Did it annoy anyone else the 45min discussion about Waka Flocka Flame?

17  2015-03-11 by sharklasagna

The main thing that annoyed me was the fact they discussed this bullshit for 45minutes when Waka Flocka Flame had cancelled his show that was actually being performed for SAE at their fraternity.. all organized by SAE.

Finally, the very last caller, clued them in that Waka Flocka Flame cancelled because the show was organized by, and for, SAE.

Their discussion was about Waka Flocka Flame cancelling for University of Oklahoma because of the SAE scandal. And how Wacka was wrong to punish the entirety of the university for a few people's actions. It pissed me off Sam couldn't skim a fucking article about it while this long discussion went on.


Jimmy can't relate to the idea of someone not doing a show because of moral reasons. Maybe SAE should've given Waka Flocka a 30% raise to perform

damn, i wish jimmy would read this.

If u called the show with that 'you would have buried that cock sucks!'

Damn you just waka flocka flamed jim... I'll see myself out ....

Meanwhile, WFF performed a show the next day in which he used the word "nigga" 8000 times.

Remember, only whites can be racist.

In this specific case about the word "nigga" you are a fucking idiot. Intent and context is a fucking thing you moron.

The SAE students were not just saying "nigga" as in hey what's up "my nigga" they were saying it with very bad racist intent.

So when rappers talk about shooting "niggas" 20 times in just about every rap song ever made, that doesn't have bad intent? Then it's okay, right? Just as long as whitey isn't saying it, right?

It depends on the context. If a rapper talks about shooting innocent "niggas" then yes it's bad. But if a rapper talks about some "niggas" shot at them and they shot back then that's just self defense and a necessary thing if you grow up in a bad place and have to survive.

edit: as far as whitey not being able to say it , when I was in high school I lived next to a mostly black government owned apartment complex and I had tons of black friends and I said "nigga" all the time then and my black friends didn't give a shit.


Do you realize how crazy you are for trying to justify rappers promoting the murder of "niggas" in just about every rap song every made? Rappers aren't talking about self defense; they constantly advocate murder, rape, home invasions, muggings and many other types of violent crime.

Are you social justice warriors ever able to actually deal with reality or do you just spend your entire lives defending and patronizing black people every chance you get? Furthermore, nobody cares that you had black friends growing up. And I'm black.

I didn't justify rappers promoting murder you decided to not take my comment as I wrote it and decided to add other stuff in your head about what you think I said.

And nobody cares that you are black.

"I didn't justify rappers promoting murder "

Yes, you did. This is what you said:

"If a rapper talks about shooting innocent "niggas" then yes it's bad. But if a rapper talks about some "niggas" shot at them and they shot back then that's just self defense and a necessary thing if you grow up in a bad place and have to survive."

That's justifying murder.

Don't keep defending my peoples' usage of words like "nigga," especially when we are talking about killing people. You may have good intentions but you aren't helping us by making excuses for our violent culture. I know first-hand what it's like to come from a low-income, impoverished, high-crime neighborhood and then get a higher education while being being threatened constantly by blacks who I grew up with.

If you upped your complexity level of thought just a little bit you would get what I said.

If a rapper talks about shooting innocent "niggas" then yes it's bad

yes because that is MURDER and I said "IT'S BAD"

But if a rapper talks about some "niggas" shot at them and they shot back then that's just self defense and a necessary thing if you grow up in a bad place and have to survive."

That's SELF DEFENSE and SELF DEFENSE is not murder.

If someone shoots at Anthony and Anthony shoot's back that's self defense and it's the exact same thing.

And as far as the word "Nigga" I don't give a shit who uses it black or white except depending on the persons original intent. I will use my original example again. If you are black or white and say "hey what's up my nigga" I don't care but if you say "You are a fucking NIGGER" then I do care because you have bad intentions in your heart.

Self defense can be considered murder in some cases. For example, if someone punches you, and you beat them to death after you knock them unconscious, I'd say that's murder. And btw, who decides who's innocent, and by what standards do they determine innocence?

You're missing my original point, which is that people shouldn't be shooting each other in the first place, regardless of what their race or ethnicity is, and rappers shouldn't be promoting "shooting niggas" in their lyrics.

Dude you are just keep making a tangled mess of responses and I don't want to untangle your shit anymore.

You haven't untangled a single thing so far.

I don't know why you're defending rap lyrics that advocate shooting "niggas," yet you're upset about racist hillbillies in a frat who talked about the same thing. You still haven't justified why one is okay but the other isn't, especially when white boys aren't out lynching blacks in modern times, but black-on-black crime is at epidemic levels.

I don't mind dealing with a side different than mine but your logic ability is very broken. You remind me of Brian Dunning on the Joe Rogan podcast where he just kept repeating Joe said something when Joe kept correcting him and saying he didn't say that and Brian just kept saying it and demonstrated his very bizarre thinking.

Like I said I can deal with a opposite side but your brain and logic is severly mangled.

How is my logic invalid? Explain.

god you're a prattling retard. you keep saying you are black like that gives you some kind of higher ground on the subject. it doesn't, especially when all you are doing is aping (pun intended) the same exact opinion Anthony has been spouting for years and not adding anything original whatsoever.

I'm not sure why you're butthurt and calling me a retard for thinking that rappers shouldn't advocate shooting "niggas" in their lyrics. It seems like it's common sense that advocating violence isn't good, especially for the black community, which already has problems in regards to violent crime.

And what is the connection between me being black and Anthony's opinions? Wtf are you babbling about? You're not making any sense. You literally just wrote an entire paragraph without saying anything meaningful.

you non reading dope.

I'm black and I agree with many of Ant's opinions about race. So what? Why are you so upset?




I got a kick out of Jimmy becoming so angry that he became borderline incoherent. He couldn't comprehend the concept of context despite Doug and the asian bitch explaining it a million times and he just kept repeating himself and going NO HE WOULDN'T

Another good moment was when the asian lady made a joke with chink in it and The Opester butts in with YOU DON'T MIND THAT WORD DO YOU? IT'S JUST A WORD and she tells an honest story about how kids use to call her that and it's hard to let it roll off your back as a child when you already feel like an outcast. Leading him to completely ignore it and start blathering about something else.

Why wouldn't he ignore her comment? It's not liek it seems like an interesting perspective that is rarely seen on the show, and might have some relevance to the current events of the day.

If their producers cared they could have tried to get the guy on the show. DJ Whokid is on tour with him now.


That I didn't know, makes sense for him not to say something then.

I didn't hear it but picturing Opie talk about "waka flocka flame" is hilarious.

Everything about the show annoys me.

Sam just isn't quick. Comedically or with reading comprehension.

"It pissed me off Sam couldn't skim a fucking article about it while this long discussion went on."

See, I get the impression that Sam just wants this ship to stay afloat as long as possible, and if people are yelling about shit in studio that means there's at least passion, and maybe interest in the air.

So that is why he is shitty?

"Shitty" and "not-shitty" were tossed overboard back in July of last year. Right now it's all about "show collapsing" vs. "show momentarily holding its own." So long as things are in the latter category Sam will just go with it.

No, specifically Sam is shitty, but from your point of view THAT'S THE BIT

Could be, I barely listen these days. I just imagine all the non-rich players are panicking at this point and will do anything to keep the ship afloat another day.

No but esther ku and Benson both stink. So bad

A rapper getting mad that someone used the word "nigger" is about the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard. Listen to any random rap song and I guarantee the word "nigger" or "nigga" is in the song at least 10 times.

So you dont think SAE video was racist? That's kind of the main issue here. That a black guy wouldn't want to perform for racists. WFF is an idiot so of course he's gunna be a hypocrite in some ways but a black guy not performing for racist is easy enoupgh to understand

Why do you think WFF is an idiot?

You ever hear his music?

Yes, it's great.

He's got a few good tracks

I didn't see the video. It probably was racist, but who cares? Everyone is racist to some degree. I'm sure there are plenty of all-black frats who don't let whites in and probably call whites crackers. I'm tired of the non-stop talk in the mainstream media about racism. I don't care anymore, I'm sick of the race-baiting. And this is coming from a 25 yr old black man.

And btw, blacks are WAY more racist than whites, trust me. Almost everyone that I grew up with was obsessed with non-existent racism and the white man oppressing them. Now go ahead and call me an Uncle Tom or Oreo.

I didn't see the video. It probably was racist,

This nigga. Having a passionate strong opinion while being completely uninformed is mostly why people are so upset with Jim and sloth's cunt.

SAE said "There will never be a nigger at SAE". Call me crazy but I'm guessing Mr. Flame felt unwanted or at the very least ticked.

Why would I want to listen to the video when I already watched a news report about the incident? I really have no desire to listen to redneck frat boys be racist.

It's fine if WFF doesn't want to perform a concert at SAE, but lets not pretend that he doesn't talk about killing "niggas" in almost every single one of his rap songs. That's hypocritical.

I think most events that are claimed to be "racist" these days are actually far from it. But in this case, it is pretty racist. They said "niggers" "hanging from a tree".

It's different when a rapper is talking about their life and experiences and use the word "nigga". It's really not about the "nigger" word. Even if they said "black people" hanging from trees it would probably have mustered as much attention.

Yeah, I agree.

The video was no doubt racist, but lets not pretend that rappers who advocate shooting "niggas" in their lyrics is any better than some backwoods frat boys who advocate killing them.

Whether the rappers or the white frat boys use the word "nigga" or "nigger," they're both talking about murdering black people. My main point is that nobody ever gets upset when black rappers rap about murdering blacks, yet everyone gets outraged when people of other races talk about the exact same thing.

I think the difference is a lot of rappers are actually rapping about their experiences or the things they've witnessed in their life. They put it into an art form known as rapping.

For whatever reason the word "nigga" has been apart of their community for decades. It was being used before most rappers were born. It would be stupid for them to self-censor themselves.

And really.. the SAE video simply resonates with people. It's young, rich white kids saying "nigger" and "hanging from a tree" drunk, happy and really pleased with themselves. It's a very easy thing to latch onto and call bad.

In my opinion it's a bunch of fake outrage. I saw people(white liberals) in college say the nigger word more than I've ever witnessed since then. Yet these same people will shake their finger at anyone.. a bunch of fake hypocrisy.

These stupid, white frat kids are singing about niggers drunkenly.. While there were probably dozens if not hundreds of young black men arrested today for home invasions, robbery, shootings, etc.. What's the bigger problem

I don't think the reactions to this one are fake. I was legitimately shocked when I heard the audio. What they said, the volume, the enthusiasm, it's crazy. I'm 30 years old, went to a 99% white HS, 95% white community college, 90% white/asian university. I've never heard a non family member mutter the n word, let alone shout it at the top of their lungs.

Crime rates have been dropping for 25 years, yet the culture of exclusion and nepotism arising from the greek system is as strong as ever.

"85 percent of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a Greek organization. 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were Greek. 76 percent of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a Greek organization. 63 percent of the U.S. President's Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek."

I dunno about you, but the cadre of rich jerkoffs who run pretty much everything has a much bigger impact on my day to day life than the 1 in 100000 chance of being robbed by a black kid.

I agree with everything you said 100%.

I actually agree with you though, sometimes I think of comedy sketches in my head and one bit i once thought of was having KKK members read rap lyrics

I'm black and i dont give a shit about the video and agree its not even news i'm just saying Waka flocka can cancel a show for whatever reason he wants, and thats not the worst reason in the world

Yo how is it being black in this sub/community? It must get old sometimes no?

I dont post that much cuz I don't consider myself a "real" fan of the show. I only listen to youtube clips and the podcasts. I've never actually heard Opie and Anthony on the radio. I apreciate the non p.c perspectives thoughi apreciate that the mods here arent power tripping ban faggits cuz i just got banned from /r/nfl for mentioning sandusky

Wow wtf. What did you say about Sandusky to get banned?

It was a legit question: http://redd.it/2yncpc


Who cares if they're racist. Sorry if you and your faggot friends like to cry about it and suck each other off about it. Racism is real, everyone is racist, everyone knows its dogshit that race is supposedly "skin deep" except for fucking sheep. I wish Patrice was still alive just because he could get all the progressives to shut the fuck up with his big ol nigger dick.

No one cares we're just saying the guy can cancel the show if he wants

I've never heard "nigger" in a rap song. Is that different than "nigga"? It depends who you ask.

Yeah, using "nigga" is so much better than using "nigger." That 'a' instead of the 'er' is what's important.

It's actually a pretty big deal in terms of context, but you seem way too dense to let that enter your thick skull.

Not really. I'm black and both words offend me. It doesn't matter what race or in what context someone is saying those words, they're still offensive. I get just as mad when black guys call each other "niggas."

So why is it okay for rappers to advocate shooting and killing "niggas" in rap songs but it isn't okay for some ignorant hillbilly racists in a fraternity to sing about killing them? Why are whites not allowed to say that when in fact black on black violent crime is an epidemic while white on black violent crime in almost nonexistent? I mean, lets be honest. Nowadays, everyone except white men can be racist.

Just because you're offended by a generally accepted use of the word within the black community, that's your problem. That doesn't make it wrong that the word is used. I remember an interview by an old timer and he stated that they started using the word nigga as an empowerment tool to not only suck out the negative connotations associated to them by being called nigger on the daily and also to have a word amongst themselves that they can say.

Just because you're offended by a generally accepted use of the word within the black community, that's your problem.

No, no it's not. Rappers who promote violent crime is the problem of everyone, and it's disgusting.

You can try to justify it however you want, but rappers who rap about shooting "niggas" is offensive, especially because it promotes violence.

Funny you should bring up old black men because most of them hate the word "nigga" and find it offensive. It's only young blacks who call each other "nigga." That word isn't empowering, it's degrading.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I looked up Wakka Wakka Wigga lyrics and that is one racist mother fucker.

But it is OK because he is black

no shit, where have you been since the inception of the rap/hip hop genre?


Do you realize how crazy you are for trying to justify rappers promoting the murder of "niggas" in just about every rap song every made? Rappers aren't talking about self defense; they constantly advocate murder, rape, home invasions, muggings and many other types of violent crime.

Are you social justice warriors ever able to actually deal with reality or do you just spend your entire lives defending and patronizing black people every chance you get? Furthermore, nobody cares that you had black friends growing up. And I'm black.

I didn't see the video. It probably was racist, but who cares? Everyone is racist to some degree. I'm sure there are plenty of all-black frats who don't let whites in and probably call whites crackers. I'm tired of the non-stop talk in the mainstream media about racism. I don't care anymore, I'm sick of the race-baiting. And this is coming from a 25 yr old black man.

And btw, blacks are WAY more racist than whites, trust me. Almost everyone that I grew up with was obsessed with non-existent racism and the white man oppressing them. Now go ahead and call me an Uncle Tom or Oreo.

I think the difference is a lot of rappers are actually rapping about their experiences or the things they've witnessed in their life. They put it into an art form known as rapping.

For whatever reason the word "nigga" has been apart of their community for decades. It was being used before most rappers were born. It would be stupid for them to self-censor themselves.

And really.. the SAE video simply resonates with people. It's young, rich white kids saying "nigger" and "hanging from a tree" drunk, happy and really pleased with themselves. It's a very easy thing to latch onto and call bad.

In my opinion it's a bunch of fake outrage. I saw people(white liberals) in college say the nigger word more than I've ever witnessed since then. Yet these same people will shake their finger at anyone.. a bunch of fake hypocrisy.

These stupid, white frat kids are singing about niggers drunkenly.. While there were probably dozens if not hundreds of young black men arrested today for home invasions, robbery, shootings, etc.. What's the bigger problem

Who cares if they're racist. Sorry if you and your faggot friends like to cry about it and suck each other off about it. Racism is real, everyone is racist, everyone knows its dogshit that race is supposedly "skin deep" except for fucking sheep. I wish Patrice was still alive just because he could get all the progressives to shut the fuck up with his big ol nigger dick.

No one cares we're just saying the guy can cancel the show if he wants

I actually agree with you though, sometimes I think of comedy sketches in my head and one bit i once thought of was having KKK members read rap lyrics

Why do you think WFF is an idiot?