Preston and Steve = Opie and Jim

8  2015-03-11 by LouieBeanz

O&J has really become everything that I used to hate about radio in Philly about ten years ago. I feel the same anger and amazement at the bland, hacky content now as I did then. At least Philly got Kidd Chris for a year or two to cancel out the Preston and Steve douchiness. Other than TACS, what the fuck is there to listen to?


It's infuriating how many people try to tell me how great Preston and Steve are. Nobody knows how hacky and fake they are.

Kidd Chris was amazing radio. Also enjoyed Scotty and Alex. You can listen to Kidd Chris everyday with the iHeartRadio app.

I've tried listening to Kidd Chris over the past few years, but it just isn't the same. Even when he was still in Philly but switched from afternoons to mornings, the show went way downhill. I think once they made him start playing music, there was no way to do the kind of show that became so huge when he first got to Philly. For a while there, it was like a cult following, what I imagine O&A were like in the WNEW days.

In between gigs he did a live podcast that was pretty funny. They just set up in this rented office space and fucked off.

I went to his birthday party at Whiskey Tango. It was the first and only radio event I've attended. God I miss that radio show.

I found this a while ago, not my content, but I'd like to pass off these shows for any Kidd Chris fans, such as myself.

His show hasn't had the same soul in years--largely due to the short run. The last "Hurrah" as it were, was his net show, which was available for sale a while ago, but I'm not sure what's happened to it since then.

Anyway, and awesome redditor posted up a few weeks worth of shows from KC's tenure in philly.

Preston and Steve were just unlistenable, between that hole that couldn't keep up and the happy sound effects. And everyone fucking loves them! Every white bread, hat brim bent too far on the sides, miller lite swigging douche thinks they are the shit. Are they still on? About 8 years ago, I worked with a P&S fanboy- It's all he would listen to in the work truck. I started wearing earbuds. He hated me. Kidd Chris fucking killed. That Lady Gash/ Levy song, by the way... Genius.

Eh, from what i remembered, Preston and Steve have their moments. They had some organic bits that were funny. They aren't douchey, if anything, perhaps they're a bit too...amiable. Im sticking up for my niggas preston and steve. And their hole is fine as hell (sounds horrific out of context)

Preston & Steve do show prep and don't have autism.

What more could you ask for

Whatever happened to Kid Chris? His show was run in Pittsburgh for a while right around the same time that O&A went back to terrestrial. I thought he was pretty funny. I always cracked up at Ed McGonagal(sp).

He would make fun of the Pittsburgh station that was syndicating him. The PD probably got tired of it. Made great radio for the Philly listeners though.

Ed McGonigal is still doing stand up in the Philly area.

HE is in Cincinnati at WEBN. He has a podcast everyday on iHeart Radio. He does about 75 mins everyday.

Opie and Jim you guys rock!

Ron and Fed

TACS isn't any better then O&J. They all need each other

There isn't antrhing out nowadays that can compare to the greatness of O&A&J. I listen to a bunch of podcasts but none of them are amazing.