Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson Suspended by the BBC

0  2015-03-10 by Ptone79

The details are over at /r/topgear. It will be interesting to see what the other two hosts do compared to what Tits and Paycheck did when Ant got fired. They supported him last time he was in trouble.


He once hit Piers Morgan so the guy isn't a total cock.

Anyone who hits Piers Morgan is alright in my book.

The reason Jeremy punched Piers Morgan three times:

At the British Press Awards in 2004, Jeremy Clarkson punched Piers Morgan three times over Morgan's allegations that he was cheating on his wife, and didn't write his newspaper column himself.

I'd be happy if he did it just because Piers is a wormy cunt with a dumb name. But this is even better. He brought it on himself.

I'm looking forward to The Jeremy Clarkson show where he will feature 20 minutes of cars and 40 minutes of racial rants. And the new show with the other two guys who will host a morning show that management will be very happy with.

There's no way they fire him. That show is too big and he's too integral.

I hope the BBC fire him and only realise what a huge fucking mistake it was too late. I'm tired of the BBC trying to win the oppression Olympics at the expense of making decent television, if they get rid of Top Gear to appease the PC Stasi they can go piss.

I'm surprised the show has lasted this long with three male presenters and no women.

All three of the guys have pretty much said for years that if one of the others even died, the other two wouldn't go the funeral if it meant missing being on the show. I assume they're joking.

Suspended-a sentence!

Top Gear should be fine. Outside of the limited sport the bbc shows its the only real male skewing show it has. Plus it makes money worldwide. Wouldn't be amazed if it went to something like Netflix one day though. BBC is always under pressure by the right wing press who have knives drawn for it and the left who hate Clarkson.

In the latest episode they did a review on the same Jaguar model that Ant bought months before he got fired. I think it even had the same fire-breathing v8 engine that Clarkson deemed to be too much for daily use.

Coincidence? I don't know,I just have questions.

Is Ant's red?

Apparently Clarkson "aimed a punch" at one of the show's producers because his (Clarkson's) dinner wasn't ready on time. That's old-school right there.

That's why one should avoid getting into a fracas:

In a statement earlier, the BBC said: "Following a fracas with a BBC producer, Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended pending an investigation. No one else has been suspended."

Is a fracas something you get into when somebody tries taking your picture at 4am?

If your 4am photoshoot became "a noisy argument or fight" then according to the good folks at Merriam-Webster; yes.

Damn fracas' are alway ruining the shows I like.


Who cares, that bucket of shit show jumped the shark a long while ago.

No that's the O & J Show.

I never got this show. Seems like a bunch of guys masturbating to cars.

What is there to get? You some kind of faggot/woman?