Today's show (3/10) = SHIT

11  2015-03-10 by halareous

Haven't listened in 7 months, I'm just guessing.


I'm really starting to miss having a regular show that made me laugh like O&A did. Oh well. RIP the greatest radio show that ever existed.

Rest in Piss

Ron and Fez, Noon to 3

Agreed. I love Ron and Fez

Good, but not comparable. Apples and oranges.

Truth. 2006-2009 R&F is really great if you want a more upbeat vibe. ESD, Black Earl, lot's of good clips out there.

Yea RF with ESD was the best by far. That ginger is pure gold.

Yes. I have every show from that period and listen on a loop everyday. I go through about 2 shows a day

I like the show every time I listen but I just can't get into it every day. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just a cunt.

Ron and Fez can hold me over for a few minutes, but it doesn't even come close to TACS, which I'm not saying is amazing, but I like it. Also the Todd Packer youtube channel of Stern archives, so much stuff there and all over youtube

yeah, it's good if you like a host who talks down to everyone on the show

Rest in piss.....dvvv dvvv that's some hard core shit

Fawk yeah. Dvvv dvvv. Head bangin and shit


I give it a 0/10

or sumpthin

Aw come on packitchofsositch, can't ya give em a point? For old times sake?

3/10 is super-generous.

Good accurate guess but I guess it's like saying I guess the sun will come up tmrw.

Say guess again


Tap out then mother hucker. You took a taste; a baby hit, if you will. Maybe the show has just passed you by? These are all lines Opie uses and I'm mocking him. You know, that old gag.

Now you should reply, "That's the bit." Then I'll delete this comment and people will think we had a very clever back and forth at the opester's expense. It's all in fun though so don't feel bad. Opie gets the joke.

Really insightfull, funny and interesting guests today..