
73  2015-03-10 by [deleted]


Ok. First he plugs Gawker and then he plugs Andy Kindler. He knows Exactly what he's doing. These definitely little passive aggressive Fuck You's to Ant because Opie's to much of a chicken shit coward to just come out and say it!

That thing is 100% automated and Opie doesn't remember the password to turn it off.

Hate him for setting it up in the first place, don't hate him for the random crap it spews.

he can easily revoke that garbage's access on twitter

Ok, then you can also hate him for leaving it on.

But he's not sitting there hand selecting the shit that it is posting.

If it's completely random and it means nothing why the fuck would he have it in the first place.

That's the Bit!

Its not completely random- I assume he seeded it with a list of keywords or social network accounts to aggregate from.

This implies a level of cunning that is just not present in Greggshells.

Andy Kindler makes the funny-mofos a lot. And the funny-mofos is the highest honor a comedian can ever hope to attain. The tension everyone has everyday as they wait for the daily funny-mofos to be released is so intense. Who will the king bless today? I even heard the Philly Crew helped Im compiling this elite list we know as the funny-mofos

Reminds me of back in the day when Opie had a serious hard on for Stephen Lynch. Felt like every single break was a some lame ass song of his.

That shit is annoying even listening to old clips on youtube with the ability to easily skip past them. I can imagine how quickly that would get old listening live. Guitar act comedians blow.

I fumble for my ipod everytime Lynch comes on during the old XM shows

Did anybody ever figure out what the fuck these things are and why the hell he does them? A randomly generated newspaper of parameters he set up??? This is what he has to give? Fuck Strawhair and his dumb career.

Fuck Strawhair and his dumb career.

Leave it alone.

He uses this site that pulls tweets from the people he follows on twitter and turns them into a "newspaper"

Rogan used to do it, perhaps still does and GH decided to follow suit.

But I'm sure Rogan's was less douchey and soulless than "The Funny MoFos Daily"

Opie has the sense of humor of a business executive.

no he doesnt, if he did that was years ago.

Yes "used to"... He killed it 2 years ago.


2013-01-10 09:29 UTC

The people have spoken: apparently the Joe Rogan Daily automated collection of tweets sucks, so I killed it. I read it, and it was shit.

This message was created by a bot

[Contact creator][Source code]

Please pray that Jimmy wakes up from the decision he made in re-signing.

Didn't Andy Kindler bash the show? How did he appeal to Opie just like that?

We should list everything Andy and opie have in common, I'll start:

Not funny

Overinflated ego.

micro-penises Tits awkward haircuts

aaand punt.

What an all-star lineup.

The OpieRaqio Guys Funny Humor Recurring Daily Installment #OpieRaqio #GUYS #Motherhucker

A randomly generated feed that picked up on a Vanity Fair article about Sam Simon that Andy Kindler shared on Twitter?!? How does he sleep at night?

If I was Opie, I'd be actively trying to piss off the cult of Anthony Cumia. It's not like he has anything to lose.

Know how I know ghosts aren't real?

If they were Patrice would have come back and strangled Opie in his sleep. Or at the very least his dad would have come back to ask him what the fuck he is doing.

black people turn into special voodoo ghosts that can't interact with white people.

Opie used to play basketball at a park. He's exempt.


This isnt fucking real, show me a goddamn link OP.

Opie has been talking out the side of his face since he threw Anthony under the bus back in July.

Passive aggressive, two-faced, butt-hurt Opie.

These are automated. Do any of you think he actually sends these personally? He's lazy, remember?

Another passive aggressive shot at Ant.

In all FAIRNESS to Opie, his funny mofo tweets are automatically tweeted.

It's the first time Andy Kindler has ever been described as funny.

Kindler bashed Ant on twitter to increase his popularity.

Bob Levy defended Ant on twitter to increase his popularity.

If only the Opester did it with the proper intent then it would be a glorious example of a sardonic remark. But dopie is a boob

The best was when ant got fired. It was total twitter silence from jim and opie for days. All of a sudden a new opie tweet!! Holy shit, what we will he finally say!?! OPIE RADIO FUNNY MOFOS DAILY IS OUT

If he's trolling then he's actually kind of brilliant how he's annoying all you people. But then again he's probably oblivious.

He's just begging for hate at this point.

Oh god please reddit whittle this clown shoes motherfucker's ego down to nothing.

I only follow Opie for the delicious, satisfying hate, but I've never clicked on that MoFo shit once.

One time it had Paul Mercurio on his mofo daily, that guy is a dick and wasn't funny when I saw him in college.

The deeper I see the wedge between them grow, the happier I am.

The tweet has been deleted.

Could Opie have had the tweet deleted from this thread headline because he realized it was to obvious he was putting it to Ant with that tweet?

This just in, gang, larva boy has been shunned by his imperial master while he was buying his blueberries to expand his mind or whatever he does.

It's automatically put together, he does't do it. We've been over this already. I love coming back here after a while and seeing the same stuff on loop lol


Gregory 'Opie' Hughes should be on the Do Not Call List for The Suicide Hotline.

You guys are fucking obsessed. Your favourite radio shows over HAHAHAA DO SOMETHING ELSE

Your favourite radio shows over

No shit. But just let us have some fun.

Am sorry im just joe de rosa