Adrian is a good egg

30  2015-03-10 by okconsumer

Fuck Troy Quan and Erock, at least Adrian's trying SOMETHING to make the show better. What does the staff do anymore? There's never any show prep, there are less production pieces than ever before, the show in itself is 4 days a week and an hour shorter everyday.

Adrian at least remember what made the show hilarious, I don't what Opie thinks the new direction of the show should be but it obviously isn't working.


I like Adrian, it's nice to see someone who gives a shit about the show trying, at least.

What I gathered from their assessment of him is that he's not really trying at all. He seems to be some socially retarded guy unaware of how an office pecking order works.

I think the problem with having fans come on as staff is that they probably think they're one of the guys on day one, which is obviously an issue. But even worse is that it seems like nobody's really in control there - or the people who should be in control don't give a shit.

@ErockRadio Nice try with the weight tho.

@ErockRadio, The coke floats like the direction of the show, nice try tho.

I commented earlier about the same thing, when Troy says, "He doesn't do anything! He's brought one thing to the show in the 2 months he's been hired..."

Besides intros and outros ("You're listening to..."), nobody brings shit to the show. And who gives a fuck about your 3 minute audio clips of sound bites Jigsawed together?

Sam, Troy, Erock, and Adrian should be actually contributing something that Jimmy could riff on. Stop this, "ahhh we just kick back maaan, live in the moment. We are good enough not to need it" bullshit. It worked for O&A because Opie could spout nonsense while Anthony could spin gold.

Create a goddamn bit. It ain't the O&A show anymore. When Opie said, "We are gonna do our own things for a while" apparently meant "I'll set up all the pins while Jimmy bowls for the occasional spare"

Sam is executive producer. The half-blood should have seen the weakness in the show (Opie) and find material that can boost it. Stop reading TMZ news for "show prep" you lazy bags of shit

Fuck Adrian. Management likes the new direction.

True that. Erock is a lump who pushes the 'go to break' button and Troy is a meth addict who killed his girlfriend.

Troy didn't kill his GF! They were arguing and Troy said Go jump Off A Cliff, and she did. But nice callback!

Yup a fine effort from the young lad!

Adrian is a fucking faggot, as is Sam, and Troy. Erock is a saint, a god among mere mortals, a light in the darkness. Shame on them for sullying Erik's birthday bonanza.

I'm going to have to disagree. The show has been using Lady Di as a crutch for material when they have literally ZERO other bits or segments. At this point, it just seems like an excuse to kill time when they have nothing to talk about. It stopped being entertaining years ago. There's nothing funny about a fat drunk lowlife that constantly tries to call in and has nothing to put on the table. I'm very glad Anthony has figured out that there's no good radio out of her and hangs up on the worthless cunt immediately when she calls.

The lucky munchkin gets rewarded with a night at times square with a bigger monster than Ant found

Opie trying to smack down Adrian was enraging. Saying he can't cut a clip, saying he wasn't improving. Took Jim one comment about Adrian having the foresight to record Lady Di after being kicked out of the party to shut Opie down. Then he could only mumble about how its easy to record Lady Di. Sure Opie, get pissy over a young guy who wants to help the show. I don't really care he's not funny, its THIS shit that is hateble.

Erock actually came across more precious than Roland.

His party sounded awful.

Erock is coming off very Fez-like with his irrational grudge against a subordinate

Based on the limited audio that I heard, Troy Quan said that Adrian has really only done anything at Erock's expense because hes an easy target. None of the guys that Fez goes after really did anything.

And Erock is doing something...he's getting an extra hour to his show cutting down on the amount of Opie that we have to hear.

That segment was better than anything I've heard on TACS. Great cringe radio, and lots of laughs too.

"there are less production pieces than ever before"

That sounds like a wonderful thing.