A classic example of why Opie sucks. The crew comments on Stallone movies...

9  2015-03-10 by Faded99


Ant is on fire throughout this whole bit. Jim provides assists and gives a few good lines of his own.

Opie contributes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING throughout this video. All he does is bring everyone down with real-life stories of his "friends" who really went through "this shit"

"It's actually sad, man"

yeah thanks Greg, we were having fun until your Debbie Downer ass decided to speak.


Enjoy this clip if you've never heard it before. One of my favorites.


Opie never laughs and just says things like "very good" and "heh funny" when everybody around him is in hysterics. It truly is autistic behavior. It reminds me of Jim yelling at Bobo and Lady Di for not laughing at the show.

"Every time I see you around, you're never laughing at this show. Are you not aware that this is a comedy program on a comedy channel and that I am a stand up comedian? What the fuck do you think this is, political commentary and high class society? Is this show CSPAN to you fucking dopes? What do you get out of listening to us?"

"vurry good"

I almost think he's trying to remain, like, "above it" or something? Trying to play "ship steerer."

But still I would think it's unavoidable if you were hearing funny shit to laugh.

he's about a piece of shit.

Greg grew up with mental illness he knows all about it.

Wow. Anthony and Jimmy was trying to get past it by continuing to be funny but then Opie kept going with it. he sucks