Erock vs. Jim

15  2015-03-09 by Lilcumia


This is what's been missing from the show: anger. Enough of this fake everyone is happy horseshit. I want fighting, I want anger, I want tears. And not just tears from myself for listening to Opie's shitty humor.


I love this shit. I would listen to O&J if there was more staff fucking with each other/ fighting

Gotta admit, as much of a cunt as Danny is, he was good at stirring this shit up.

Sam used to as well but he hasnt really been involved in any drama lately.

Man, they have some great callers...

I actually kept listening because I wanted to know what they were talking about...Anyways, I found Sam and Troy talking about the new hire interesting. "the guy brings nothing to the table. He's brought one thing..."

I'm really curious about what everyone else is bringing to the show. Excluding the intros and outros, I'm not entirely sure of what they do there. Finding YouTube clips? Daring Opie to eat eggs that have had bugs on it? Reading while Opie rubs cocoa butter on his ape-titty stretch-marks?

I mean Roland is awful at his job, but at least I know what he does. But there is no prepared material on the show, so what are these guys supposed to be doing? Finding sound clips and mashing them out of context for a mediocre Frankenstein-like audio bit to play in between talk of Flu Shots and Grammy Awards recap?

The show has gotten so bad that Sam and Troy were coming off as "experienced and professional" while the studio considered their input thoughtfully...ugh

Opie gave him the hotline number.

I think the fact that nobody is teaching people anything is a bigger problem. I guess the dummy has to want to learn first though.

"I listen to you guys everyday."

That caller should be the poster child for the dangers of OpieRadio. You don't need to see the brain damage, you can hear it.

He/she is probably one of the apologists on the YouTube videos.

How do you not hang up on that caller after the first interruption? How can you be so fucking imperceptive?


This guy keeps jumping in with nothing. NOTHING. I hate the callers. All of them. Stop calling the show, please. If you do, say your line and hang up. You aren't part of the show, I hate you.

Except Chuck and Mike Francesa of course.

Erock and his crew were busy watching wrestling cartoons,he got no time for lady Di!

Erock is so weird in how he's only able to target his anger towards one guy at a time. Over the years he's been piled on by the entire staff but somehow he only finds blame in a single person.

Sad to see Erock backing down from Jimmy so quickly, he was right to be pissed at them all.

And the threads begin to unravel...

31:45 timestamp

Jesus, even THAT was boring.

They brought that monster to nagles house? lol holy shit that's hilarious.

Motherfuckin' "Pete" the caller said "you know" 18 times and "bro" 47 times. Fuck this show.

Who was that jabbering arsehole on the phone?

I'm amazed people are praising this, it's barely funny. You guys must be fucking starved for content if this is what gets held up.

Not everything is meant to make you pull over in your truck and howl for 20 minutes.

erik was channeling opie's worst side full force here. if you defend him then you're an irrational faggot. if any other person on the show acted like this there'd be a mass hate-bukakke on them for days.

Going to have a ball listening to this tomorrow. I've been listening to all the intern/employee fights, Patrice v. Danny, and other confrontational shit; this shit keeps me going.

Wasn't that great, Opie stayed shut for almost the whole clip.

Wasn't that great, Opie stayed shut for almost the whole clip.

Wait, you want Corporate Cunt chiming in?

I don't think he meant "it wasn't that great", more like, "so, isn't this great?"

Who the hell is Adrian

I think even more interesting is the comment about Erock and Sam being friends (or not).

speculate speculate speculate speculate speculate speculate

Sam is a shithouse, Erick is a fat fuck. Both are students of the Titster. How could they be friends?

Sam being described as a "shithouse" cracks me up.

OMG have not listened to the the show in a long time. What I just listened to is really bad. How much do Tits and paycheck get paid to do this? Fuckin highway robbery


Erock reacted to this joke like a girl who had their prom ruined. Your 40 years old Erock, get over it Princess!

Good point. Most of us stop giving a shit about our birthday in our 20's. Erock is such an overly privileged rich kid mollycoddle, god damn.

I only heard the clip and not the context around it but it sounded like he was more pissed that Di was at his house than that it messed up his birthday.

Which is understandable, she's disgusting.

Yeah, I don't think I'd want someone like her knowing where I live. It's only a matter of time before she knocks on his door saying "HI, HOW ARE YA?"

Sam being described as a "shithouse" cracks me up.