Lie of the day - Part Deux!

0  2015-03-09 by okconsumer

Opie claims to read up to 5 newspapers a day!

Lie of the Day, 36:30 for mobile

Full Quote

Caller: I just read the story in the paper...I don't know if you read the paper Opie

*Opie fake laugh

Anthony: That's a nice callback

Opie: Those weird little shots he (i think hannity, maybe?) took during that argument, I...I don't know what to tell you. I read so many papers.. I can't even-.....pshh at least five a day, at least , not counting the ones i take a peek at online.


Five different versions of Page Six, and maybe 3 or 4 headlines of real news stories.

Yeah...that fucking fake laugh...enraging. I guarantee you Opie didn't get Ant's joke, and just laughed reflexively. I like how he caught himself before he completed: "I can't even count.".

Bonus: Within the first 45 seconds of the video Opie tramples both Anthony and a caller with a HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON!

Well hes clearly got fuck all else to do after the show, building toys a pictures of utter shite on instagram proves that

That is a lot of effort to get the funny pages. Would be easier to just go to a comic book store.
