Harris Wittles dies last week

0  2015-03-08 by Lilcumia


Timely. Keep me updated on Mandela if possible.

Nelson's dead.

Ya kiddin! How did it happen?

Opie kicked him in the liver

i believe that was after Joe Derosa poisoned him with the cyanide pill the Nazis gave him

just trying to get the facts out there

Jesus, first Wittles, now Mandela... It's been a rough 30 minutes for me.

I can't wait to hear what Patrice has to say about this.

Otto's take should be pretty good too.

Total blast from the past

Yeah, this is the guy a bunch of people on my facebook pretended to give a fuck about all of a sudden.

Shit I'm 29 I thought I was supposed to be immortal

He actually was a hilarious dude and would have been an awesome o&a guest

But he's not Jim Florentine, so he wouldn't be allowed.


Aha! Aha! Aha!