This is a joke right?

5  2015-03-08 by ManOnFireJ


As if Bill Burr didn't use his connections to throw him a bone because he feels sorry for him.


I think we found De Rosas black friend.

bill burr: power broker

Its kinda funny actually he finally gets a positive tweet and he cant see it

They need somebody to play a corpse. All though imdb's got nothing on it.

No, this is two faggots in their natural habitat.

I am also a fan of things. Perhaps we should get together later for a (beverage).

Guess I'm skipping monday's episode. Tell me what happens gang.

I don't the previews it looks like Mike is going to fucking corpse someone. Maybe it's Joe, and we'll get to see him take a good beating.

This episode is about how Mike becomes corrupt probably how Joe was too nice to cross the street when a group of blacks came walking towards him out of guilt and was subsequently jumped and had his shoulders stolen. Mike was never the same since that day.

I admire your imagination.

Remember the time when the enemies of Opie were hated on by the fans?

He's a shit dick, but back then he was OUR shit dick. Now he's traitorous scum.

Traitorous? Opie hired the black woman to assault Anthony and put thermite paint in Ant's phone. It was mind control.

The HAARP machine got to Opie. It's all a psy-op.

Looks like my hopes of DeRosa being out of focus in the background were too optimistic. Based on how well Gilligan and Schnauz cast, I'm curious how whiney and needy of a character Joe will be playing.


He's not listed in the cast list. I'm calling it: This is fake fake totally fake.

It's real. A guy I know has seen most of the episodes. I had a thread detailing such last week but he made me take it down, apparently Sony is vicious about anything leaking.

Well dammit. Now I'm sad.

OP showed a tweet from the co-creator of Better Call Saul confirming it. So sadly it is true.

Plus there's this.



Your all pecka riders. Get your own beefs to fight.