Class act Opie

1  2015-03-08 by 37715

Remember when Opie though posting an alleged picture of Banksy would launch him into viral stardom? Say what you want about Banksy, but that is the ultimate uncool act in ocean of douchey behavior. Besides the cake thing...


I don't like Opie.

whoah easy there lets take a deep breath and think about this.

Even worse, do you remember when Opie thought announcing his dollar bill contest on Letterman would cause a media storm.

"...spread the word."

I'm afraid to ask, but what was Opie's dollar bill contest? It Was A Media Frenzy!

The way he walks down the steps makes me want to smash a chair over his back.

jesus christ

Jesus I had forgotten about that one.

The Banksy thing you are right. The cake thing? I wish you were the cake.

As much as I enjoy hating oqieraqio, I could never side with those faggots from the other subs on that one. Tits may have a brutal batting average when it comes to making with the funny, but those cunts are insufferable. They are to funny what anti-matter is to matter. I hate them on a whole different level. I wish for someone to build a time machine and slaughter their parents. And pee on them.

Get over it.