Jim Florentine and that metal show hosts trying to guess pop songs on Ron and fez

5  2015-03-07 by Lilcumia


Listen to how much enthusiasm Ron has for even something as silly as this goof bit. He can pace the show so perfectly, either putting you to sleep with Fez questions, or getting #cakehorn trending worldwide in 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, Opie's got his laid back "are we even on the air?" mentality. Trying to act like an aloof 90's surf boy, just goin with the flow.
It's not intriguing, it's boring.


of course Florentine has never heard popsongs with 500M youtube hits that played everywhere for weeks. Fucking dumb hack


he listens to slipknot and shit and thinks he's a big metal head lol


What's wrong with SLipknot and Godsmack? Listen, they are metal and you are a poser if you don't think so. What do you even listen to? Probably some band that records music in their mom's garage. What am I? A late 90's high school drop out? I listen to relevant and real metal like Linkin Park and Crazytown.

Timestamp 1:12:00

Oh man Florentine is SSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool. How did he become such a man? swoon

I'm not a Florentine fan, but I'll listen if he's on a show - but I can't fucking take that self-important putz Trunk. He's radio death. He has no insight into an industry he's claimed to be part of for 30 years, he's a dull metal fan with a microphone.

And how the fuck is Unchained not in his top five?