Joe Derosa Has A Friend It Seems

16  2015-03-07 by ManOnFireJ


I love how in the age of smartphones, always being connected, burgeoning augmented reality devices, people still use the "sitting in a basement" insult for someone who posts online. Yeah, what a weirdo, communicating on a social site.

I also like how they're talking to comedians who constantly trash other people and each other and yet they're trying to say these "trolls" are just angry dudes who make fun of shit. What the fuck do you think they get paid for? Sorry the pro-bono people are better at it.

Joe is trying to cover up the alleged events of january 1999 by neutralizing his dissenters the easiest way possible. The thing is, the people remember his hateful words and actions against the jewish community and his fans 1980s high school bully insults arent gonna cover it up.

I'm in my twenties and I'm usually just bored at my office when I fuck around on here. Pestering and ruining DeRosas day is just a fun way to kill time.

So some people's lives don't work out the way they had planned. Some people, due to drug addiction, depression or plain old bad luck may end up in their 40's and not 'successful' by society's standards. Is that really a reason to mock and insult people? I have unsuccessful friends and seeing Derosa take a part in the mockery and verbal abuse of our society's most helpless and needy people just sickens me. For shame, Derosa. For shame.

(Okay maybe I'm reaching a little but as the Opester would say 'there's something there')

Classism at its worst, not to mention sexual shaming. Joe Derosa is a bona fide shitlord.

Serious question does Joe DeRosa have any female fans. The only people that I ever seen write encouraging tweets or messages to him on facebook are generally guys 30-40 years old, that are overweight and have neckbeards.

I can see why they're friends. They both like social references that were new in 2003.

2003 called; it wants its joke back.

You are the weakest link - Goodbye.

Haha yeah I seen that. Do you have the pic where Derosa asks the Cumia show to stop the attacks. He says something about him not asking his fans to attack us lol.

Here it is queefs.

Joe DeRosa sending his fans to do his bidding. When four neckbeards combine their efforts there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.

Much like in World of Warcraft, actually.

When was this?

JoeDerosacomic was a fake account you pussy.

Confirmed fake.

You gettin aggro with me Sally? Why don't you go stand in the corner short pants

I have a screenshot of it right before the TACS account deleted it. Not sure if i should post it though

Post it immediately.


Post it you faggot.

I'm telling


I did homey. Apparently it's a fake Derosa account :(. Mad feels rn

I was just piling on.

I was saying "boo-urns"

To quote Patrice Oneal: "What you're saying is typical."

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that someone is projecting...

Really? Using world of warcraft as an insult? Is this 2005?

According to his shit beanie I don't think he ever left 2005.

Dota player, not WoW

As a 5k+ Dota games garrage dwelling neckbeard virgin it's very weird to see you posting here.

Gonna buy the next ESL ingame ticket now.

thx dude

Here comes the pushback! Boss Coger is the random internet asshole that will burn all the haters into silence!

Fucking cunt must be 2$ short on tickets and looking for a comp next time Joe plays Rileys Bowling Alley in Skokie, Illinois.

Joe loves it there, they let him bowl for free, and give him a small plate of wings on top of the 50$ for the gig.



Looks like Joe DeRosa has become someone's Andy Kindler.



The guys been quiet all day, dare say the pests have hounded him 👍

I'm under 40, live alone, and have never so much as even clicked the keyboard on a World of Warcraft game, a game that I regarded was for losers or Chinese mobs to kidnap people and force them to mine for gold.

He's off on the demographic by about 10 years, but otherwise right.
