Jimmy and Opie. This is why you suck.

62  2015-03-06 by [deleted]

Two guys who built a career on being mean and nasty to everyone and everything, cant take 1 percent of what they dish out.

Probably the most pathetic attribute anyone could have.

Tits and worm in the morning. dvv dvv


I'm Opie's titties and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

nice try on the hate tho

I'm Opie's titties and you're Norton's muci covered epidermis layer


Shutup you peeca shit cock suckah. You didn't even graduate kindergaten school. Your mothas got all your hair stuffed in her asshole or somethin. Ery tim se farts a buncha long hairs blow everywhere and she goes "oh thats my sons hair I shov it into my asshole."

You peeca gahbage.

Your mothas got all your hair stuffed in her asshole or somethin

Oh, Chippah! I think you have me confused with your faggot rasslin friend, Sam.


Sammy is a sweet afro-headed angelic boy.

Thank you Mrs. Roberts

Thank you for your service.

Ms Robert Vageen hang like wizard sleeve.

Sammy the weasel?

Sammy the quarter flicking sock cuckahhhh!

Why don't ya hang yourself wid a buncha dicks or sumpthin

They are massive hypocrites, but what else do we expect from tits and paychecks.

Tits and the Paycheck kid in the morning!

Tits and The Worm.

I'd listen to that radio team. sounds like some hot stripper and her sugar daddy.

They've always been thin-skinned. It's why they stick to twitter where they can (mostly) control the conversation.

I definitely think that is why places like Wackbag fell out of favor. Sure, you're still Anthony fuckin' Cumia or Opie at Wackbag and you'd get some deference from that strictly due to stature, but when you really get down to it, you're just Poster Number 479 or whatever.


Thermite paint.


False Flag Operation!

Thank you for your service



They suck because one brought his daddy, family values, Entertainment weekly once (man Opie never mentions) got shitcanned, which the Philly Crew did a circle dance to celebrate.

The other realized his mean comedy would never hit mainstream, and turned into doctor Phil with fuck words, constant moral high ground.

I do give the worm credit, him and Sam are the only ones who will say Anthonys name.

Jim gets a pass from me, because of his lack of fuck you money, and he cracks me the fuck up. Opie is the fucking cunt here and we should not forget that.

Jim makes us laugh, Opie makes us wish he got fired instead.

Don't act like this is new. They've been hyper-sensitive of criticism since WNEW. I heard Jimmy do a 10 minute rant on a Wackbag member's comments about his book before. Opie and Ant would do the same thing. They've never been able to 'take it' as much as they give it.

How about the fact that they have a majority of sycophants behind them? You say some truth, you get some sniveling little bitch saying you're obsessed. Says a lot about their ability to debate, just like their god.

The most truthful post i've read all week!

Just O+J? What about Ant?

Intern Dana smashed Ant and Jimmy... calling them old ghouls and the little babies went after her:


Called Erock. On his Honeymoon. To berate him.

And then...

ME: I don't have tits?!?!

They know it's true. They thought about leaving. If they thought about it, it would be cause it would seem disloyal to Ant if they re-signed. They did re-sign.

I can't take what they serious because of this.

I think it was the second show after Ant was fired, some caller was giving Opie the business. Telling him, "Why aren't you sticking up for your partner, the fans are doing everything they can and you're not doing anything" Then Opie says, "Me and Ant's relationship isn't what it use to be, a couple of years ago I would have walked out. But it's different now" WTF??? What an absolute cunt of a human.

"I got 3 mouths to feed. 4 if you count Bam's"

I can't take what they serious because of this.


I hadn't been on here in a few months, does everyone hate Jim now too? Did he do something?

yeha jimmy turned into a moral high ground, un funny cuntty baby boy. he lost whatever it was the old Jim had in him. the wheezy laugh jim, the double guns cawk sucka jim.

Now it's a male version of the view who is tranny friendly.

Jimmy needs Ant - Ant brings out the tomfoolery in Lil Jimmy

I miss when Ant would shoot a one liner out and Jimmy's wheezy laugh would be all you could hear for a full minute.

it's painfully obvious opie asked him to stop doing uncle paul

Everyone still loves Chippah though. I still think he should go all in with the Chip, ditch Jim Norton and become him full time, ala Larry the Cable Guy.

The fact he has to sit with Opie every day is sucking the fucking funny out of him.

Their show stinks!

And I don't like it


When Opie goes for the mean it just comes out pathetic and sad. 50 year old men just can't, and shouldn't, try so hard to be insulting. But, they do need to be able to take it...or else quit

50 year old men just can't, and shouldn't, try so hard to be insulting. But, they do need to be able to take it...or else quit.

umm, what?

Translation: It just comes off embarrassing and pathetic when 50 year old men try too hard to be a "insult comic" especially when they're like Opie with no real sense of humor or timing. The last part means: since they are on a show with a lot of comedians and really juvenile inappropriate "insult" listeners, they need to have thick skin and not whine like a little cunt. If they can't handle it, they should quit their job. Does that clarify...?

yea it clarifies it, it would just help if you made sense in what you originally wrote. no need for the attitude. just because they can't take it doesn't mean the NEED to quit, thats just, your opinion maaaahhhhnnn!!! it does however make them look like little faggots for not being able to take what they have been dishing for many years. this is also nothing new, opie, anthony and jim have acted this way for years when they have been called out for their phoniness.

I thought, and still do, that my comment was fairly self explanatory. I apologize if I came off with an attitude. It was not my intention, but I see where it comes off like that. I get disgusted by how petty, immature and flat out rude a lot of O&A fans can be. Sometimes it rubs off on me. I need to take a shower.

I can't wait until Hudson is old enough to check out the internet and realizes what a disloyal POS his father is.

What the fuck did Bam do?

I doubt it will take that long for him to reach that conclusion

This just in, gang, a couple of fellas are saying what the hay and giving it their all. That's all you can ask for.

It was the same with Howard Stern. He admitted it though.

Is it that they cant take it or that a bunch of nobodies just keep annoying them with nonesense.

The most truthful post i've read all week!