I hate when people feel the need to tell this board they are done with O and J although having said that....

0  2015-03-06 by Lilcumia

As of yesterday I can no longer listen to paycheck and the other one. It was slightly interesting after the firing to hear them talk about the situation and Ant. Now it's depressing. They avoid anything worth while. Jim's whole thing now is that he's gay and wants to kill his co-workers. Opie won't open the phones to fear of criticism. Fuck them and their soccer mom type fans.

Back to netflix and TACS.


Well, you really are going out with a bang, posting 3 straight threads.

My personal favorites are the people like this who create a new thread to say they're leaving, and they're Never wasting their time coming back to this loser room again! But yet 3 Days later they're Still responding back to people who responded to their thread. Then you see who Really needed the attention!

Mods should honor that persons wishes and block them from posting in the subreddit.

And yet you made this post.