I had to change my mind about Opie.

24  2015-03-06 by nolasen

He made a great point when he said "They should call it climate change, not global warming".

Now I just need to go back to '06 and find a 3rd grader to impress with this observation.


I don't care for sarcasm. That's not why I come here.

haha good post

What's the difference? It's just a liberal conspiracy either way. Rand Paul 2016


Hey Opster, stick to being a math genius! Right guys?

Sorry, but we don't side with Opie on anything here. No matter how much sense he might make.


Did Opie do a bit about spraying aerosols outside cuz he's cold now?

It's very often referred to as climate change, so it's like telling people to do something that they already do.

Just parroting what he has heard else where. Nothing new here.