When asked why they don't or what they did to try and get Ant back

2  2015-03-06 by pissinurbutt

Opie and Jimmy always say, "If we would have tried or demanded we want Anthony back, they (Sirius) would have said bye-bye" Not only is that total bullshit, I doubt Sirius would say that, but it also tells us exactly what Opie did to try and get Ant back...NOTHING. Also, after listening to this again, I noticed Opie say, "if you need to know, we both just needed a break, there was a lot going on then. It wasn't just the incident" ......OK then. So, what you're saying is, "I was sick of Ant getting all the attention/credit when I'M the one that found him and put him on MY show. So when the "incident" happened it was the perfect opportunity for me to have MY show back."


22:10 is when it comes up about management


O&J never said that.

Yeah actually they both did. Why would I just make that up?? WTF??

It makes sense. I'm sure during a meeting it quickly became apparent to Opie if he gave them the ultimatum if "Ant goes, I go" they would have shown him the door. If they were willing to break up a cultivated brand like Opie & Anthony, I have no doubt they would have axed the entire show and brought in a whole new crew for much less money if pushed. Opie just isn't that important, and it was probably made abundantly clear during meetings with management he isn't the cash cow for siriusXM he tries to represent himself to be.

I heard from a bird that O&A was one of their top shows. Like in the top 3. So why would they just get rid of it? More likely, Opie pushed Ant getting fired and convinced management that Ant wanted to do his own thing.

With like a tenth of the audience Stern has. Being in the top three shows isn't that impressive if you check out the roster after the Howard Stern show. And Howard's show sucks which makes you think how terrible is Opie's radio show to play such a distant second fiddle especially after being on the air for over two decades.

Top 3 is still top 3. I mean if you only have 3 radio shows, then it's not too impressive. But, they have more than 3 shows don't they? I wasn't talking about Opie's radio show, I was talking about O&A. They were doing pretty good at the time of Ants firing



I dont think they ever said that.


I dont think OnJ ever said that Sirius would have Said "bye bye" if they (OnJ) demanded Anthony back. Is that less ambiguous?

I asked because I didn't know if you were referring to Sirius or O&J. You don't think O&J ever said that?? So, you think I'm just making up shit and presenting it as fact?? WOW. They said it on the Larry King interview, and Jimmy said it on some interview he did awhile back. I can't remember who the girl was that was interviewing him, but it doesn't really matter.

Maybe they did say it then. The story changes so much its getting to be like a bad comic book plot.

There's no maybe about it. It was said, period.

I don't appreciate paraphrasing. It's best to provide links to audio or written quotes.

Well Jeezus, the LK interview is so awesome and memorable, I didn't think I needed to. I take it you didn't listen to it. Do yourself a favor and check it out.

I did listen to that, and I don't remember that part. You cant expect me to tolerate Opie's voice long enough to take in every portion of the show.

Hahahahahaha....the whole clip Opie is saying, we needed a break, 20 years is a long run, it wasn't just the incident, Ant was building his studio blah, blah, blah. It's sooo obvious that Opie wanted him gone.


Top 3 is still top 3. I mean if you only have 3 radio shows, then it's not too impressive. But, they have more than 3 shows don't they? I wasn't talking about Opie's radio show, I was talking about O&A. They were doing pretty good at the time of Ants firing