What's the best Patrice O&A clip that crosses the race bridge?

0  2015-03-06 by [deleted]

I recently discovered this youtube playlist which has every Patrice appearance on O&A in order. The dynamic of the show with Patrice was sincerely special. The way he was able to see every side of an issue was amplified when he talked to Ant and moderated by Opie. I think if we found the best bit of their interactions that really bridged the race issue, regardless of the subject, it could seriously give perspective to both sides.


With Clean Hands.

Country Music Hits and any time Anthony sang The House Next Door to Me with Patrice in the studio.

The only way the problem can be solved—first, the white man and the black man have to be able to sit down at the same table. The white man has to feel free to speak his mind without hurting the feelings of that negro. And the so-called negro has to feel free to speak his mind without hurting the feelings of the white man. Then they can bring the issues that are under the rug out on top of the table and take an intelligent approach to get the problem solved. That's the only way that they'll ever do it. - Malcolm X, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9AmuYqjRyg&t=1460 (@24m20s)

Ant and Patrice on OnA may be the closest thing to this vision. Ever. It didn't produce any solutions, only friendship. Maybe that's enough.


Easily, EASILY Nigga-Lene. Ant asks why a black waitress stuffed him after he gave her a big tip, and Trice just lays out the BEST assessment of the situation.

And that bit leads into the legendary United Areas of America. Best Patrice bit ever IMO.

Check it out.

I perfectly remember that particular episode. Patrice truly broke down the issue with that bartender and Anthony. It's definitely up there as one of the best ones and that's saying a lot.

Bobo erection

When he explained what it was like moving up further in street numbers up New York. How it got progressively worse, and which white person on the show would last the longest without getting mugged.

I would like to listen to that. Do you know the link?

Slave Girl and Louis CK's "pussy racism."

The country music bit contains one of the best patrice laughs ever. I'm on appearance 69 (dvvvv dvvvv) outta 145

The Country Music ep was awesome. Anthony does his best Arnold- "I'm Deerks Bentley!!'

the nazi vs black guy taxi bit.

Every single thing he ever said on the show was pure brilliance. I especially liked it when he said that Avatar was a good movie. His genius overcame all barriers. #betterthanPryorandCarlincombined

There's a conversation they have, I think on Anthony's birthday when Patrice isn't allowed to say anything about white people.

Patrice: You are more racial than Opie.

Ant: You can say racist, I don't mind racist...