Found this picture of lil Jimmy in /R/WTF

66  2015-03-06 by GRIZx


it would appear that big boy, did indeed, make a doodie.

"Oh boy, a doodie hat!"

Yup,that's him.

Fawk Yeah!

you forgot the glory hole

months of kettlebell training for this moment.

Those are Jimmy's muskles.

I bet that would feel strangely good and satisfying.

If you look at the pic right it seems as if Jimmy is trying to hold a door on the ceiling shut whilst simultaneously urinating with such tremendous force that the stream has absolutely no arc to it. His toilet is also installed incorrectly. Edit: possible shit magnet in the wall? I dont know

Judging by his posture I am guessing the force of his piss is blowing him backwards.

Thank god he will never get the chance to ejaculate in to me.

Is this a visual interpretation of the way he handled ants firing?

Who is going to lap up all that delicious shit?

You know he has been "going to the gem and ettin betah"

I bet Opie is waiting outside the stall hoping he can slurp up some funny for his failing radio show.

So this is how jimmy goes potty in a room where you can't lock the door.

oh guys, i don't think that's really him. that's just a bald man that enjoys pissing on the floor while launching gravity defying shit that somehow isn't stuck all over his crack and the back of his legs.