Opie and Jim don't disagree with Anthony's racial comments

0  2015-03-05 by NJPoster

People on here are writing that Jim and Opie don't want to work with a racist. Anthony made the comments, but they don't disagree with most of what he says. For example, Opie used to play clips of "Blazing Saddles" at the beginning of their WNEW show. During the Imus firing, Opie started the show by saying, "Wake up white people!" They were talking about Abraham Lincoln being gay one time, and Norton said, "You'd have to be gay to sign that Emancipation Proclamation."


Opie used to play clips of "Blazing Saddles" at the beginning of their WNEW show. During the Imus firing, Opie started the show by saying, "Wake up white people!"

Lets get one thing cleared up. Opie has no ideological convictions. He is a piece of grass flopping in the breeze. Everything that I have seen him do professionally has been for a goof, or taking advantage of public sentiment of the moment. He has not shown he can think for himself on any topic of significance.

This is why he was so quick to fold about this race stuff recently. He wouldnt have the fortitude to defend his opinions even if he did strongly believe in something.

Say what you will about Anthony, but he has his beliefs, and doesnt pander. Some of them may be misinformed (like certain foreign policy issues), but in general he does his research and comes to his own conclusions. Some of which could certainly be debated, but at least the debate would be rational and based on fact (entertainment purposes aside)

Opie is just a muppet whose intelectual abilities extend to making fun of a half a retard named bobo, and stomping on some guys cake for "goofs" while slipping him a hundie when afterwards.

This should be the sidebar photo.

Lets get one thing cleared up. Opie has no ideological convictions. He is a piece of grass flopping in the breeze.

In the words of CQ: "Cogent"

I was going to put it a bit nicer than that, but that about sums it up.

I don't know any more than the next guy, but this also looks like they have personal issues with one another. They tolerated one another for years because they made huge sums of money to do it. They've even admitted that that's the reason why Jimmy was brought into the show, to act as a buffer. If they were anything more than co-workers, they would have at the very least talked to one another sometime in the past 8 months.

Nah, I believe the Bill Burr argument that Anthony starts with a certain idea and goes out in search of facts to back up his idea. Like Bill use to do with conspiracy theories.

If the facts back you up then so what? The people who are delusional are when the facts don't back up their world view, like the people who still believe that Mike Brown was pleading for his life while kneeling in front of a cop.

Eh, I don't give a fuck what Anthony believes but I do mind when people act like he's some type of super rational guy just following the facts instead of the alarmist reactionary pussy he's always been.

People on the extreme of both sides fall into the same trap of searching out facts that back up their worldview instead of looking at all the facts and going from there.

opies skills as a broadcaster are sub par.

The only people who disagreed with Anthony were the typical, ultra liberal guests. Piers Morgan comes to mind as a recent example. DL Hughley is another. Everyone else listened to his points. He even changed a few opinions (Patrice, specifically)

Jim and Opie both used and enjoyed racial humor for years. Somewhere between 2008-10, Opie had a total reversal.

He started editing his own words, always saying "N-word." He still does it to this day.

The change in Opie is clear as day. My personal theory is his wife or the "Philly Crew" began criticizing the show. All it takes is a few, "What will your children say when they hear these shows?" Or, "Why don't you take yourself seriously?" To have an impact.

That's why I believe Opie was ok with Anthony's firing and didn't fight it. He knew he could change the show overnight. He would be a reformed shock jock, having legitimate discussions.

And that's where we are - with a watered down, safe and serious O&J.

It's sickening.

I don't think opies wife or the "philly crew" had anything to do with Opies choice to use the n word. I don't think the philly crew is that big of a deal in opies life, it's basically his brother in laws friends.

I think the "philly crew" is the closest thing he has to a group of friends. I'm not saying anything about his racial views or opinions I'm just saying the man doesn't seem to have any real friends.

All he has is the Philly Crew which came to be because of the relationship he mustered up with Lynsi; you can't believe they don't have an influence over him.

He's said multiple times that, "I shouldn't say X because the Philly Crew listens."

It's a bigger factor than you think.

The philly crew is all in on the n word

i wouldn't disagree, but Lynsi I can totally see being against it. It was indeed around the time that he got married or met her that he started down this path.

Or it could be that they all know and recognize the social climate we live in currently and know that certain language WILL get you fired. This is what was so frustrating about Ant's situation. He knows very well of the hyper-sensitivity prevalent in the culture today yet he went off on a racist (it was perceived as racist, can't deny that) tirade on a public forum anyways.

Also you can't even pull up a clip from any XM show where Opie said "nigger" instead of "n-word." So that point is wrong also.

Jim never changed his language. Neither did Anthony. The only person who changed his on-air behavior was Opie.

Opie went from a "shock-jock" to a middle aged dad who monitors his own language - with no rhyme or reason.

And, you're wrong about living in a hyper-sensitive world. Everyone agreed that Anthony would not have been fired had he made his twitter comments on the air. That was Anthony's schtick and that's what he was paid for. Hell, he had said the word "savages" and "animals" in clear racial contexts, on the air, multiple times. There was never a fear of him being fired.

Please do provide a clip where Opie says the actual word - rather than adding an "a" to the end of it or abbreviating it to "n-word." Because in this clip, Opie expressly says "I do not use the word. I said it today for the first time in a very long time, only because it's in a news story."

I've been listening to the 04-07 XM years and you're flat out wrong if you really think they've never changed their language. Jim said things in 2005 that he wouldn't say now. They all changed over the years, but Opie has changed the most.

"And, you're wrong about living in a hyper-sensitive world."

It's amazing to me that an O&A fan of all people would claim such a thing. I don't know what to tell you if you really think Ant didn't fuck up royally by doing those tweets. He should NOT have been fired, of course, but his twitter isn't in the vacuum of O&A fans. The people who got "outraged" at his tweets don't listen to the show.

Also you need to go back and re-read the Opie/nigger thing because what I'm saying is he ALWAYS said "n-word." He might have said it once or twice in the early days of XM in the context of a news story or discussion about the word itself and its relation to comedy.

Please know what you're talking about next time and please gain some rudimentary reading comprehension skills. Thanks.

I agree that Anthony was wrong to put those comments on Twitter, but their Satellite show was supposed to be censor-free. Jim is worried about his career outside of the show. I don't think he was worried about Anthony's comments hurting the show.

If you'll remember, he tried to make 'schwoogie' really popular back in the day instead. He said it constantly, to the point it just made you want to punch him.

Rudimentary reading skills? I assumed you had mistyped - because the statement that you made was self contradictory.

You began your dim witted response with: "Or it could be that they all know and recognize the social climate we live in currently and know that certain language WILL get you fired."

This statement recognizes that Opie has changed what he says/how he says it.

You then concluded with: "Also you can't even pull up a clip from any XM show where Opie said "nigger" instead of "n-word."

Your closing contradicted your intro. I know, because you have superior language skills.

Back to the drawing board, dolt.


I don't think Jimmy agrees with Ant at all about racial predisposition towards intelligence.

I think he agrees completely, he's just not brave enough to say it. He worms his way around it and pretends to be an outspoken realist but he constantly avoids any real issue and blames it all on 'the media.'

What has he said that makes you think he believes that?

I'd say Jim does not agree with that. I remember when Patrice was in Anthony said, "Some skills are inherent to some people," and Jim & Patrice lambasted him for saying that.


I think Jimmy is more willing to glorify certain black people just for being black and proud and gives far too much leniency in a lot of cases.

I remember when him and ant had a small argument about whether or not it's voter intimidation to have black panthers standing outside a polling place during the obama election. jimmy wouldn't budge that it wasn't, and i believe that the panthers admitted that it was later or they loss a court case or something to that effect.

but, he does tend to listen to people. thing about jimmy is, i think if you make a good argument he'll be all in. and if somebody makes another good argument opposing, he'd be all in. he can be a follower, and he's somewhere in between being smart and dumb. but i love his honesty about himself, always have.

I'm not saying he agrees with all of Anthony's statements. I haven't even heard Anthony say that. Jim became more pc though.

I pretty sure it is in the clip where ant goes off on eugenics. I remember hearing this live and it blew my mind he was a proponent of it.

15:15 is what really sealed Ant as a racist for me. Before then, the things he said weren't necessarily racist by themselves but did seem to add up to a weird obsession. But this statement is the literal definition of racism:

"I genuinely believe that there is a set parameter for different people. I think you're starting off at a certain base. Whether you can transcend that or not is very individualistic, but on the whole, I do believe that there are certain peoples that are more advanced than others from the beginning."

The first half is reasonable. I agree that not everyone is created equal and we all have different potentials for intelligence, strength, etc. But he ties it directly to race in the second half by saying "certain peoples". It's a tiny nuance, sure, but when you consider the context of their discussion (the comparative development of civilizations) and all of the things Anthony has said about black people over the years, I think it's reasonable to assume that he just found polite-sounding synonyms to say "some races (peoples) are smarter (more advanced) than others from birth (the beginning)."

EDIT: All that said, Jimmy still loves racial humor, and I think he loves working with Ant despite any disagreements they have.

The funny thing is that Anthony before the radio gig was the same as the stereotypical black man, crack smoking, spent money on shit he couldn't afford, lazy on the job etc.


So are you arguing that that isn't racist or that racism is true?


Joe DeRosa rapes children.

Opie isn't naive he just finds race talk boring and would rather play girly cell phone games.

De Rosa eats the ass out of raped, dead kidnapped babies. He should be punished for being too lenient on the little fucks.

Why WOULD they disagree? It's not like he's wrong.

Just saying, because people on here have said Opie and Jim don't want to work with a racist.

I've never read anything here that says Opie and Jim don't want to work with a racist. Doesn't mean it wasn't said, just I've never seen it. Why were the people saying that?? It doesn't make sense. Who would be a racist they were considering working with?? I mean, nobody wants to work with a racist, so I don't get it.

Me neither. "People are saying" is an opie thing, where "people" = one single vapid tweet.

The people who like the Opie and Jim show have said it here.
