Whatever happened to Benjamin Bornstein aka Maxwell from Cleveland?

5  2015-03-05 by [deleted]

Maxwell or as we called him in high school, "Dumpster Nipples"



I had this image of him becoming a male nurse. 1st day on the job assaults and strangles an old lady, he walks towards the exit, pauses then looks over his shoulder ".....and punt"

Fuckin 10 outta 10 fawk yeah

Speaking of NAHHHHT FUNNY I bet Joe Derosa would have some interesting things to say about Mr Bornstein and his heritage. Someone should tweet the alleged HAMAS supporting comedian and ask.

He posts here under his real name now, Sir.

He must be so tired from all those times he DESTROYED his wife.

haha, ugh, I forgot he said that until you reminded me

And punt!

Say what you want about Maxwell, "and punt" is one of the catchiest slogans anyone's ever come up with. I'd never actually say it verbally but it is in my head constantly.

Do the bit and not funny are up there too. He really was an unsung radio genius.

Hey what's up stansbury


he became benjamin72


I heard him doing a sports radio show on the AM band around 12:30 at night down here in Houston. I guess it was syndicated. This was a few months back. As soon as I heard his voice, it started, and every time he paused, I would say "naht funny" ! I got my little joke out, and changed the station immediately.

There but for the grace of God

Not Working!

I laughed.


Opie is trying to get him to do 12 to 3 on the channel.

He got fired from Cleveland because a Truck Driver realized that when he was put on hold he could hear everything they were saying during commercial breaks. He recorded all of their conversations which were filled with racial slurs and and gave the tapes to another Cleveland morning show who brought the whole thing up on air and played bits of the tapes.

Racial slurs? Damn maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. A fat slovenly, sort of ok guy at least.

None of that is on his wiki, do you have a source?

No I don't. The show that got the tapes was Rover's Morning Glory. I was listening to the show they played some of the tapes. The best I can find is a discussion of it here



Repeated firings and failures, according to wiki and oapedia! AND PUNT

According to a commentor on the 4 some-odd hour long audio on youtube, he changed his name to "Slater" (yuck), got on another show, and that failed as well.

Apparently Stansbury has his own show now.
