
0  2015-03-05 by tapatiomio

Why are a lot of you so angry and hateful? Did the show (or end of the show) make you this way, or is this how you channel existing anger?

I honestly don't understand it and want to know.


I hated Opie for years before, because he always brought the least to the show while demanding the most, took shots at others while he himself was a sacred cow, and had to get his fucking voice heard, constantly, even when he had nothing to say, regularly disrupting funny material for his own self-centered bullshit.

And now that Anthony is gone, he has completely proven himself a fraud.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him for taking the money, since it's a guaranteed paycheck and what the fuck else is he gonna do, but it's hilarious how indignant he was. "I'm gonna go do a podcast or SOMETHIN!" "FUCK MANAGEMENT!" compared to how he is now.

I'm guessing people who make these posts weren't longtime fans of the show. It was an angry, mean show. It attracted angry, mean fans. Opie is an unfunny hypocrite and that has always been the two most bashed, unforgivable qualities for anyone on that show to display. "Above all else, realllll".

I'm about the same. There's no denying this place goes pretty heavy on the hate (tho) but for so many years I thought it was just me noticing these things about the Opester. I never really checked messageboards or anything and obviously nobody ever called him out on his own show so I just had to let that stuff boil inside me. No, Opie you fucking moron, it's clearly not a 'BronckISH tale'. That story's clearly a lie Opie. For fuck's sake Opie, let somebody else talk for a second. Then suddenly you see other people bashing him for his awfulness and you just can't help want to vent all the shit you couldn't help but notice about him over the years. You see examples of his awfulness pointed out that you thought you were alone in noticing and it feels good to know at least other people recognise them. That he hasn't COMPLETELY fooled everyone else.

Ironically he could probably have avoided the major venting of hate he's getting now by just being able to take the criticism a bit at a time over the years.

Yeah...I get that people are mad about the firing, show changing, and Opie, but all this day in and day out? My question was less about specific people and more general about the fanbase and sub. I guess I'm wondering if people are also mad that the show changed and it's not the angry, mean outlet for their lives that it used to be, so it has to be expressed here.

I'm not a longtime fan of the show--I just follow the comedians, but it's fascinating to see so much continued vitriol here.

The show and it's fanbase have always been very angry and toxic. Now that the show is done, all that venom has turned inward on the shell that's left and those associated with it.

The Negro

Ahh...there it is. (eyeroll)

Tssss what's wit all them fuckin questions whaddya like a reporter or sumptin? It's like where's ya notepad, I dunno you go ahead.

dat was sum fawkin' clever riffing \m/ dvv dvv

Fuck you.