Was this posted around SiriusXm after Lady Di's internship?

1  2015-03-04 by xTugboatWilliex


God do I hate offices and the corporate world.

I was surprised they even allowed someone to write a poster suggesting that another employee was a "loser." And a big one at that, possibly suggesting the person is fat. That's offensive. I bet the person vomiting could complain and get the sign hanger in trouble with HR.

I kind of wish a pregnant employee was responsible and sued sirius for discrimination.

This was most likely posted after management threw up after listening to the first week of the show without Anthony. Lady Di's tenure at sirius has nothing to do with the sign.

That's right. The proper way to throw up in an office bathroom toilet is to kneel upright with your hands at your sides and your emotionlese head four feet above the bowl and shoot your thick gray vomit downwards in front of you. Thank you, hr.

..... i hate when reddit bleeds into this subreddit.