About this subreddit..

5  2015-03-04 by halareous

I get a very strong "opie-hating" vibe from a lot of people in this subreddit. Is it just me?


People have very strong feelings about The Andy Griffith Show.

It's totally just you man.

That's what ya get when a group of trailer trash psychopaths have a common obsession

This sub thrives on the negative energy being created inadvertently by the new Opie with Jim Norton Show. The inevitable conclusion will be reached when a disgruntled former listener storms the Sirius XM studio, slaughtering Opie, Jim, Sam, Erock, Travis, all the interns, and whatever poor jackass happens to be guest that day. Only then will the cesspool of hatred drain away.

Whatever poor jackass happens to be guest that day? You can just say it: Florentine.

Hey let's not jump to conclusions. It could also be Soder.

It's just you.

Why can't this sub be a guest on the show.

I only come here for the photoshops and the funny new nicknames.

It's just three guys with multiple accounts. Nice try on the hate, though.