Ronnie B. is the shit, above and beyond

4  2015-03-04 by pissinurbutt

but I swear, sometimes it seems like he sets Fez up just to knock him down. Which maybe is "the bit" But Jeezus, it's harsh


Questioning Ron's motives is an attack on his brilliance. Bow down to his awesomeness. He can change directions like prime Barry Sanders.

You right, you right.

I hear Ronnie took a jab at Derosa on last weeks Bennington.

I haven't listened to it. I wouldn't doubt it, I think Ronnie despises disloyalty. Which is why he loves Ant and barely puts up with Opie

Ronnie B is an evil mastermind. I love it.

I believe he has been slipping fez trace amounts of lead in his coffee in order to drive him slowly insane.

It's hilarious. Fuck Fez. I'm tired of everything being anti-gay, homophobic, mean, or whatever bullshit soap box he's standing on sheepishly. He's by himself, killed the Ron and Fez show.

The part I don't get is Ronnie will get Fezzie to engage and start talking, then 90% of the time Ronnie will shoot down Fez's point or make fun of him. Then Fezzie get's embarrassed and shuts down again. So, I don't get what Ron wants...Fez to talk or not??

Ronnie has to get him fired up, its the ONLY way the fucking guy adds anything to the show. He constantly lies. His bits have zero pay off. The only times he's talked for more than 5 minute NOT including plugs or live reads, is when he's going on about how someone has once again fucked him over, he's upset about gay issues, or his constant issues with Pepper and Shelbo. Fez is done. He is no more. I thought this sad depression was a bit. I rolled with it thru and thru, until the Mrs. Fields crying live read. That's when I knew it was real. He's never coming back. The Washington show, a fluke. Ron and Fez that we all want will only live in Best ofs and YouTube clips.

I guess all great things must come to an end. I still listen to Ron and Fez, but I am not liking Pepper being gone. AT ALL

Pepper is gone? I haven't listened in a couple months, is he gone for good or just temporarily? Whats going on for FUCKS sake?

I can't be without peppy hams

I don't know wtf is going on. It's all very cryptic

it's because Ron wants to have a normal interaction with Fez the way he used to and the way he does with everybody. He isn't aware of a lot of things he does like that that are actually counter-productive.

I like Ron, but in a lot of ways he's a jerk sometimes. I'd go from liking him to loving him if he had anybody around that would actually put him in his place sometimes.

Fez gets an infinity pass for his opie impression.

P.s. No shit my spell check changed pass to bypass and I had to change it back

It's passive agressive for sure, but it's radio gold.

the RF show character "fez" is a work. Has anyone listened closely all of these years? It's pretty obvious.

Actually, I was a at a conference about a month ago and met a guy who interned for R&F, and I asked the question, "Is Fez playing a character", and he said "No." Todd is very much like that off the air, and said Ronnie is the same person off the air as well.

is it true he has 2 kids ?


3 and 5.

The part I don't get is Ronnie will get Fezzie to engage and start talking, then 90% of the time Ronnie will shoot down Fez's point or make fun of him. Then Fezzie get's embarrassed and shuts down again. So, I don't get what Ron wants...Fez to talk or not??

Fez gets an infinity pass for his opie impression.

P.s. No shit my spell check changed pass to bypass and I had to change it back