If you miss a daily show, and you're trying to start listening to Ron and Fez...

42  2015-03-03 by EskimoEscrow

Today's show is a great place to start.
Holy shit. 3/3/2015 -
Anniversary of Fez saying "CakeHorn" led to a Nationwide Trend on Twitter - Fez supports the troops, Both sides - Technical Problems with the New Studio - Fez Crying and Screaming, later Laughing and Joking - Ol' Fashioned Dead Air - The Mystery of Corporate Chris Stanely continues... the list goes on.
If you don't usually listen to full shows, do it today.
(I'll post links as they come in)

EDIT: OK, so rather than post a YouTube channel and blow it up, I thought I'd make a specific link:
A YouTube search of "Ron and Fez 2015" - Filtered for the past 24 hours
If it's not up there yet, it will be. If you want to hear more recent past shows, just change the filter options.
EDIT2: It's up there!


I'm breaking into it, I gained a lot of respect for them after the Patrice tribute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHdNhA2ta7Q

also: Ron Bennington has got the most interesting radio voice

It can take some getting used to.
O&A were like beer and cigs, R&F is like scotch and cigars

They have to grow on you I always thought, they are not as in your face as O and A, but the comedy is smarter, downright sarcastic, and Ron is so damn good at molding people.

From him fucking with Fez or the Centaur, to when he is doing serious interviews, he knows what he wants to get out of people, and gets it.

He even makes interns on the air good radio.

Ron is a fucking genius, he is what Opie wishes he was.

Ron is so damn good at molding people

He's like a genius a radio carnie. He can pull an authentic heel-turn on any situation.

My thoughts exactly, well put

Although I like shitting on Opie just like everybody else, it's a bit unfair to compare the two.

Opie is good at steering a conversation. He's good at background manipulation, keeping the boys focused while not being too much of a zilch. If you listen, often times he was the one who would present concepts to Jim and Ant and they would run with them. He's got a few semi-interesting stories and is really good at giving the listener a look behind the scenes at the station, even if it's their first time listening to O&A. Some of the insights that he gives to whatever dynamic is going on off-mic can really put everything into perspective if the boys are busy bitching about management.

Ron is more hands on. I like to think of him more as a debate moderator or straight-up talkshow host, while Fez and whoever else is in the studio are the guests feeding off of what he's going for. He's the puppet master.

Ron is a hammer and Opie is a spatula. They both have their uses but it would be retarded to complain that you can't hammer a shingle with a pancake flipper.

I see your point, but look at the overall product.

Even the rare times Fez does jump in I enjoy him, he serves as a great "hole" for Ronny to shit on.

Opie has gotten worse because he has to talk more now. Jimmy sounds like Adrian on the pre-show alone without help.

R&F has no doubt changed from the old days, but I still love it.

O and A...J ....Fuckever. Has changed and it is disastrous.

I Just want the early XM days back when Ron and Fez got the golden ticket, it was when both shows were at their best.

Very true. I was mainly pining for the old WNEW days when they were on in NYC and shit. I really hope that at some point O&J can either find someone to take over Ants old role, or better yet, join Ant online but as well all know, because of the long contract requirements and shortsightedness of SXM who knows when something like that will happen.

I think you might be comparing 'Opie from the past' to 'Current Ron'. I agree with the whole 'ship sailing' argument, totally get that. I think in the earlier days, Opie was contributing without interfering as well as he ever did.
But back then, Ronny was almost 2nd mic to the POWERHOUSE that was Fez Whatley. The slow decline of Fez into 2nd mic is what makes R&F so amazing over the years.

It's hard to compare the two if we're using different eras.

Yeah, you're probably right. I think I'm just looking back on the whole with the rose-shaded glasses. I grew up listening to O&A, R&F, etc. on WNEW and even though I've listened to a shitton of the backlog that's on Youtube and whatnot, I think it's still hard for me to shake the image that I have in my head.

I remember trying to catch a R&F show a couple months back and was shocked at how silent Fez was in comparison to the old days. I think I turned it off after about just 10 minutes of Ron talking to callers poking fun at Fez. I knew things had gotten bad after his father died but it was just incredible to hear how much life had just been sucked out of him.

I see what you did there

Same, I like what I've heard so far, but it's still pretty alien to me.

Ron and Fez are the best!

The besssssssssst

Ron has always been the best in the biz. Ant's funnier top to bottom but Ronny B has a laid back confidence in himself that is the polar opposite of Opie as a human being.

It's funny, Ron and fez has completely replaced o&a for me as of six months ago, yet I frequent this sub about a thousand times more than /r/ronandfez

lol, same here. The fuckers on this sub crack me up. And Opie's irony gets thicker by the day.

I wish there were replays on Rawdog, I'm in classes while they're on.

Check the YT channels cousin

Oh I know but it doesn't help in the car

I just convert the YouTube vids to MP3s and put them on my iPod

Well yeah, now instead of a funny show and an unfunny show with a shrieking lunatic there are three unfunny shows with shrieking lunatics. One's just actually mentally ill.

you're certainly not budday material

I made the switch and haven't looked back. Great show and, unlike O&J, I find myself laughing out loud

IMO the best days of Ron and Fez were when O & A were suspended for the homeless Charlie incident. At that time they still had ESD, Black Earl and Lilly. Sleeves was just breaking into the scene and the Rocka Hua Luaua was the place to be. Mighty horse rocked a fat ass and we had 24 hour party people calling in for comedy pyramids everyday. 29 875 my buddies


Yep, that's when I made the switch too! Don't forget about Earl's African name Bajeebi. Big ass 307 buddayyyys.

Ohhhh, Saphire....

That's old school

ESD was amazing but I never liked Black Earl. He was just such a dork.

the only part of ron and fez i dont like are the interviews but thats the part i dont like about every talk show so i guess it doesnt matter.

if you're on the fence go listen to 06 when dave was producer and had earl and pitzy, those were the best shows of all time.

Dave is a national treasure.

He is on a local station here in NJ, although he is not as good uncensored, he is still a fucking lunatic though, as much as you can be on terrestrial.

Yeah, the show isn't at their peak right now, but it's still pretty damn good if you skip the interview with artsy types.

Never have given them a chance though thought about starting. Looking forward to links!

Wet your whistle with the original Cakehorn cousin

Well I am officially a fan. Been listening all day. Bennington is a god, and fez is a hilarious sidekick. Crazy, but their dynamic is fantastic.

Jesus Ron would be an amazing third mic for O and A, though, his show has it's own feel that I'm really liking.

We've got a convert cousins!

Been listening to a lot more R&F lately, funnier and more interesting than O&J. Never find myself wanting to smash my desk out of annoying frustration when listening to R&F

The sportay show with spote spote spotay

Ive been only listening to Ron and Fez lately. Sometimes you have to duck out of the shitstorm The O&A subreddit has become and let the sweet embrace of Ronnie B soothe your soul spoooooootey.

I've thought about getting an Audible sub for R&F. I do miss a daily show, and frankly there isn't anything else.

Don't even bother with Audible, from what I've heard the shows take forever to upload. Just ask a cousin to PM you some YT channels w/ daily uploads.

I've tried over the years and just never did it for me. I will give em props for having their own style and format. There's nobody else out there like them.

Do they get replayed anywhere? So frustrating that the 12-3 is their only spot. Never get to listen.

they are replayed on indie 102 and opieradio 103 at different hours. indie (if i'm not mistaken:) has yesterday's show during drivetime 06-09AM

Stand Alone Fruit

For quick laughs, look up Ron and Fez live reads. Ron is hilarious, while Fez tries to do advertisements for sponsors. Ron isn't allowed to say anything during the live reads anymore, because of one of them.

Ron ruins all the Carbonite.com Live Reads

God I love Ron

My theory: Ron ruined the live reads on purpose so management would love Fez for doing them so well

So they would love Fez for doing them and also never give R&F anymore live reads to put the brakes on the show.

Yep, I'm pretty sure that is the one that got Ron banned from live reads. It's fucking hilarious though.

I wish they'd bring back the D-Man.

I like his less popular counterpart, Reggie The Florist.

Ron's best trait is his ability to provoke a reaction, whether good or bad, in every show character. You love Chris, you loved than hated Fez, you loved hating Black Earl. Even the interns you either love or hate. The man's genius goes well beyond his comedic ability.

Is R+F funny? how does it compare to O and A?

Any fan of R&F should listen to The Big 3 podcast. Don, Mole, and the fans all fucking with Scary Perry week after week after year after year is IMO the funniest thing ever.

There movie Windy City Heat is on YouTube and is a must watch even if you have no intention of listening to the podcast.

Because the podcast circuit is so competitive I dropped RnF. There are only so many listening hours in a day. Ron is probably the most naturally talented radio personality I'll ever hear, but the show has always had kind of a hipster air of snobbish superiority, and after listening for a long time, I got tired of going in circles with the Fez saga.

Ron Bennington is god

because I missed listening to a show every day I started listening to Ron and Fez lately. I absolutely love it. I don't like some of the interviews they do. but Fez's drama more than makes up for it.

Chris stanleys morning I have a cold voice and his laugh are to annoying for me to listen regularly. Also while ron is quick and funny his long pauses get on my nerves too I start to nod off to sleep.

I think Pepper's got a great voice, actually. Definitely the best one in the room.

He has the worst fake laugh I have ever heard.

I stopped listening when Shelby became third mic, but if that's over I might pick it back up

You mean you stopped listening last week?

very minimal Shelbo time, his Dad passed maybe a month or 2 ago, totally different dynamic since

Ron and Fez are good but just listen to podcasts to pass the time. You don't have to pay anything either, you can just download them to your phone. Amongst my suggestions


Legion of Skanks

Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast

Nick DiPaolo (although if you hate Ant's politics you probably won't like Nick)

Rich Vos and Bonnie McFarlane (as awkward as the podcasts get at times it's still funnier than O&J)

Jim Florentine

All are released regularly every week and all are miles funnier than O&J. Yes, even Vos' podcast with his lisp.

Just to add a couple I enjoy:

Penn's Sunday School and How Did This Get Made?

Just can't get into it. I've tried, fuck even when Soder was on, I couldn't stay on. Don't know why, I like Ronnie but I just can't get into it. Bennington show, I think I can't hang for about an hour but that's it.

Try old R&F when they were still on FM. I finally "got" them when I went back and listened to their WJFK days.

too bad cakehorn was fake. worst acting ever in that one.


It can take some getting used to.
O&A were like beer and cigs, R&F is like scotch and cigars

Same, I like what I've heard so far, but it's still pretty alien to me.