Joe Derosa asks his fans to lower the ratings on his albums on Amazon.Says he wants to be the most hated comedian on the internet

3  2015-03-03 by Lilcumia


He's just trying to own it.

He knows it's going to happen anyway so he's trying to make out as if he wants it to.

So pathetic.

It's the same trajectory I see Opie going in. Only, he's doing it at a sloth like pace.

But none of Joe's comedic material actually elicits any kind of anger from me. He's just a milquetoast ass who sees that his career is tanking and he's flailing for some sort of gimmick to keep himself buoyant. My suggestion for Joe is that he should be the new "vampire comic". He goes on stage with fangs and a cape...whole place would go fuckin' nuts.

He says he doesn't care.

He does.

If anyone would care about something so miniscule, it would be him.

Too sensitive to be a comedian.

I hate Joe. But minuscule? His whole career is tanking. Shows are dropping him. Anyone in his position would "care." I almost feel bad for him.


Remember that it could always have been worse.

get a life

Says the guy who creates a fake account just to defend a d-list road comic on reddit

tssssssss what are you like a cow that can't pronounce m's or something tssssss

Poor Derosa. He's so mediocre and forgettable that he won't ever even be among the most hated comedians on the internet.

Way to own it, Joe.

He won't even achieve that as long as Kindler is still working.

Joe needs to start taking pop shots at megastars now. For example: Kindler just called out Ricky Gervaise.

I meant to do that.

Don't fall for it, keep it up. If anything, just make the bashing more personal.

I'm sure Joe wants us to bash him about that Jewish raping and how he is an late abortion. He's offering a T-shirt for the best one. Seriously.

get a life

get a life

get a wife

i'm doing you a favour. none of us are perfect.


*you're joe derosa.

He's bluffing. Call him on it. Then the next step is to get his gigs cancelled by any means necessary. Really fuck with his livelihood.

get a life


your putting energy into all the wrong places. your reality sucks and you know it. treat this as a public service announcement.

Do you think you're a fucking Shaman or something? Get the fuck out of here.


He needs to hire Paul O's life coach "Dr. Machine Gun."

Just like what Patrice O'neil once said: Love and hate come from the same place.

There's Opie hate because of our love of what Opie and Anthony used to be. Unfortunately, nobody has either of those feelings for Joe Derosa.

He's trying to own all the hate he's getting? fuck him. I refuse to even click on anything that redirects me to something he is promoting

So Derosa is ACTUALLY stealing Kindler bits now?

You guys are honestly making me listen to Joe's podcast more than I probably actually would. And I don't mind it. Thanks!



So he now has 5 more negative views from his fans. Awesome.

This is for sure for plausible deniability down the road. "Why are your ratings so low?" "You see I had this genius idea for an original bit where I try to become the most hated comedian. I ask people to leave bad reviews on my albums. You see? Look at all these reviews, look how popular I am!"

Jesus Christ, Joe.

It's the first 5 minutes.Asks the fans to right nasty comments also.He sure got us,guys.
