Day 2 of the show being in a different studio due to tech issues, and not ONE MANAGEMENT COMPLAINT FROM TITS MCGILLICUDDY

56  2015-03-03 by I-take-beast-shits

Could you imagine the hour long segments on the O&A show spearheaded by Opie specifically attacking management's shortcomings due the studio issue? He would have slaughtered the fucking company, management, and probably even fucking Mars.


This fucking fraud just sits on his hands like everything is just dandy.



I'm just surprised anyone still listens. It's shocking.

I lose a piece of dignity every time I go to check it out.. I think i'm completely done now. We are not unreasonable, the show just stinks on ice.

I stopped listening about 3 weeks after Ant got fired. I can't imagine how bad it's gotten.

The older clips on Youtube are what keeping this subreddit alive.

Our hatred of Opie is what's keeping it going.

It's Jocktober 365 days a year.

We're like one of those stations that just says "fuck it" and plays Christmas music all year.

we are not unreasonable

I read this is in Venom's voice from the 90s Spidey cartoon

well u do

Opie & Jim? No, I can't listen to the show anymore because I canceled my SXM subscription last year.

I don't listen to the show anymore, but the hour long "the studio sucks" breaks were downright unlistenable. The fact they are working through it not whining I think is a step up.

I tapped out a few years ago. Constantly railing on management, and bitching about not getting a new studio, definitely helped my punk out on the show.

You mean they didn't spend two hours saying how they're "stuck in mud". Jim lovvved throwing that around, until of course Ant got fired and he got a 30% pay raise. Now who gives a shit about being stuck in mud.

The idea that either one of them got a 30% pay raise is laughable.

Is it


I'm sure Opie got a bit of a raise for staying on and renewing the contract after the debacle. He moved into a more expensive, 6.9 million dollar home in trump tower.

I'm sure he got something. They'll get a raise every contract, but this idea that all Ant's money got split between them is just dumb. No business works like that.

He's also owned a multi-million dollar home in trump tower for a's not like the guy's living paycheck to paycheck. I doubt whatever single-digit percentage raise he got was the deciding factor in getting the bigger place.

30% raise officially unstuck jimmy from the mud.

Well actually, pal. Management has told us beginning of april its gonna be renovated. Thats the bit. Nice try with the hate though.


I actually prefer the show in the different studio. Just shakes things up a bit...

I tend to agree. It's livened them up a bit. However, the small improvement to the show that's happened because of this temporary change is equal to that of a paraplegic sneezing without shitting his pants.

I still think a mere 10 months ago Opie would have been flipping his shit and "refusing to come to work tomorrow if the studio isn't fixed"

It's a Terri Schiavo moan.

"A mere 10 months ago" You mean before he merged with management and ok'ed Ants firing. So Opie could finally be The Most Important Broadcaster. Epic fail, Gingercunt


fucking awesome

He pointed it out yesterday. "We're trying to do something different, give us a different studio"

At least that Opie wouldn't dream of doing the things Greggshells was doing. Ant nor Jim - not even Sam - would allow it.

Good ol' Studio Transfer Tuesday.

haven't been listening. Are they really gonna ever get a new studio. Shouldn't it be done by now. Opie is now falcone, a company man.

Denny is a radio gift from God. Opie wouldn't make a wrinkle on Falcone's cock shaft.

I doubt Opie is gonna complain about it at this point. One of the first things he did after Ants firing is brag about how management said the new studio is coming

To be fair, he did make reference yesterday to "Don Wicklin said we'll be in a new studio by January.... and then February... now when I talk to him he says late April..."

That said, that wasn't done with as much vitriol as it would've been in the past.

Opie has so much CLOUT

ME: You think just because I have clout I can get Anthony back??

Larry KIng: Yes, that's what clout is.

ME: I guess I got clout then

ME: You hear that guys? Larry King says I have Clout!
(Googles Clout)

So much clout that he's been weeping about studio renovations for 8 years. Maybe if Shit Tits would have signed long term contracts and not bitched about the company so much as a "bit" he would have a good studio.

Just goes to show you how full of shit "being real" was. When you talk to any of them, Ant included, they just talk about how great the Sirius deal was. As opposed to the endless bitching and from Jimmy especially "LETS JUST GO! We can go do our thing!" but when push came to shove

Why listen if all you guys do is rag on Opie? I stopped listening when they fired Ant. I miss Jimmy, but Opie just sounds like an annoying cunt now and I'm glad I cancelled when I did.

Why listen to jocktober clips. This is what the show has become only we're playing the part of O n A and O n J are John and Jeff. Plus the fact that free speech Jim and I'm gonna quit Opie did a 180 and re-signed.

I don't blame them for re-signing. It's a lot of money. But that doesn't mean I have to like what they are doing. I have no problems with Jimmy, I love Jimmy. Opie I actually stuck up for with other people for a long time because I thought Opie and Ant really complimented each other. Opie without Ant though, he seems to have gone off the deep end where as Ant seems to be doing OK as himself. Probably because he's actually funny though.

I agree. I tune in when there is literally nothing else to listen i ended up listening to about an hour of yesterday's show because there was no R&F. And I listened to the Nopie show from last week....but its probably about once every three weeks or so.

They really just sound like a bunch of losers

At this point there has to be something in the contract about a ban on complaining about management.

Doesn't even need to be in writing. I'm sure it's obvious to both parties how the power dynamic has shifted.

He's a phony. AHA!! Management CUCKED HIM!!

What do you think "cucked" means in this instance?

Come on, management is just trying to figure things out.

This is actually a positive thing. One of the MANY detriments to the show opie was is that he was in a constant state of complaining. So him not having that whiny voice talking about management is a positive thing.

You're missing the point. We're simply peeling back another layer that is Opie's fraudulent personality.

He took so many hard personal stances against management on air, yet he's taken a 180 turn all of a sudden?

That's fucking embarrassing considering Opie always prided himself and the show on being 100% honest and straightforward.

I think you're kind of reaching for any reason to trash the opester.

There is NO WAY anyone has to "reach" to trash Opie. Opie hasn't complained ONE time, NOT ONE, since Ant was fired. Do you really not see the implications of that?? Come on, it ain't rocket science

This subreddit does tend to reach for any excuse to hate him, granted, but Opie's complete turnaround from "expect us to be podcasting in October" to "OH MY GOD PLEASE DON'T FIRE ME THIS IS ALL I HAVE NO NO IT'S FINE ANTHONY AND I NEEDED A BREAK ANYWAY" is the number one reason I despise him. I imagine it's the same for a lot of folks here.

It was apart of his new contract to not mention management.

Yeah, and Opie's stipulation to management was that they don't talk about how Opie sided with them about firing Ant.

Management has them by the fucking balls.

I bet a disclaimer got thrown into those raises, that they cannot rail management, confirming they became the type of radio guys they fucked with, corporate conforming, happy to have a paycheck, lapdog sellout faggots.

I bet Heeby Greensteins semen tastes great on a cracker.

It was a filler segment when they did no show prep, something he did steal from Howard. It was probably written in to his contract to tell him to knock it off, by his own hand. Dun, dun, DUN.

Hey, remember that time when everybody hated how much opie complained about management?


Yeah, literally the day before Ant was fired. Then...not one fucking word. And, in fact, sounded all proud and giddy that "management likes how the show is going". Phony, fucking liar. CUNT

"management likes how the show is going" isn't him being proud and giddy, it's him being a defensive weiner about all the shit people give him.

And honestly, with a firing as big as Ant, I don't think yelling on the radio would really be the way to go about it. I'd think it'd be more of a behave, and work it out in the background kind of thing. But that's just me guessing.

I've never hated the bitching about was easy to relate to. However, when you look down and its an hour into the show, and happening multiple days a week between rounds of sudoku, it gets annoying.

I'm sure that management made it perfectly clear to Opie that they'll put them in a fucking broom closet if they want.

Just imagine that you're Howard Stern. Your greatest competition on the airways just moved in. They make less than 50% your salary, and they've spent most of their career bashing you. Don't you think that you have enough clout to make their lives miserable? I would love to work in the palatial studio that Hoo Hoo has, and would enjoy going to work everyday knowing that the rats that used to gnaw at my feet, are now trapped in my own skinner box. Thanks Management!

Now? This fucking fraud just sits on his hands like everything is just dandy.

I would too if I just got a raise equivalent to my co-host's salary.

Didn't they open the show taking jabs at management about pushing back the date? I'm pretty sure Jim even made a joke about how they're incredible at lying and sticking to the timeframes they set?

maybe when they renewed their contract he agreed to kiss their ass every day and never ever complain again

Isn't that telling??!! Opie just doesn't get that we're way smarter and more perceptive than him. The fact that he can't see that his complete turn around with management tells us all we need to know about how he tried to get Ant back, is ridiculous. What a fucking, infected, shitbag of a human.

It's not fair to say there were no complaints. Management was called very good at lying to their faces, the repeated missed dates were referred to, and Oqie said that the lack of response to the bitching meant that no management is listening to the show.

opie never cared about bitching on the show before because he always said it was good radio.

I hope they get put in a tiny closet where The Worm has to sit in The Sloth's lap.

the management finally got on Opie's side and made him the STAR! why would he complain?

Guys. Ignore opie. Go and show ron bennington some love

Speaking of day #2, Is reddit O&A still #2 when googling "opie and Anthony"? For me it appears to have been negatively SOEed into the dirt.

Sloth boy took Ant's money and now he loves management.

End of story.

So now we're complaining about them not doing something we used to complain about when they did? Surely there's more worthy crap to hate on.

No, we are highlighting what a worthless empty fraud he was when he was doing his embarrassing noisy-child, moody teenager, pantomime temper tantrum thing.

You see, that is why we complained about it then, we knew what it was, it was painfully transparent and embarrassing. We now employ his present behaviour to contrast with that. To expose for those sitting at the back, too busy buying mugs and sunsets, that his previous behaviour was a pretence.

So that is the point. How did you miss it?

"Above all else .... real!!!!"

I don't think he was a fraud. I think he legitimately felt that way at the time and expressed his frustration on air both to get it out and to try and get management to do something. Now he's obviously not as unhappy with higher pay and his own show and also not wanting to rustle feathers after they've shown they'll fire ant.

I think the show sucks dick and Opie is very bad in his new role but I don't think it makes him a fraud for what he did back then.

It was an act then, him acting out, a petulant lumbering overgrown fratboy playing at tough guy in a consequence-free bubble.

Every two years the noisy performance he made over re-signing his contract. Archly leaving it to the morning of the last day, the last minute, then deigning to look for a pen. As if his little floor-show actually meant anything real.

Middle-management put up with his histrionics, indulged him, cos they knew it all meant nothing. It was white-noise. He'd put on his little show and then sign on the line which is dotted, just as everyone knew he always would.

It was all he had, shout and bawl like a child, throw things around like a child. Now he doesn't even have that, poor useless bastard. Sit quiet, don't draw attention, play safe; he was always ball-less, it's just now he finally has to act like it.

I don't think it was an act. I think Opie was genuinely pissed off. The reason it, literally, came to a dead stop is because Opie and management teamed up and decided that firing Ant was the best thing. Because, you know, Ant wants to "do his own thing"...Yeah, you keep telling yourself, and US, that,Opie

He doesnt give a shit. He fooled you faggots for years and continues to make millions, while you losers stay with cumia in a basement.

Which one are you, benjamin72 or bimpy?

Its not benjamin72

benjamin72 sir

I think you're kind of reaching for any reason to trash the opester.