Post the doucheist picture of Opie you can find

4  2015-03-03 by Nightkrawler49



If only Troy Quan was there.

Wow look at that hole. Canyon is ok too.

'Thats it Opie, just a few steps backwards'

I hate how he has his feet angled off to the side for some fuckin reason.

He's such a flabby, squinty-eyed, cargo short dork.

Anybody got the audio of them talking about this picture?

My favorite part other than Op's giraffe neck is Ant's weird baby arm. And there's something weird going on with Opie's face. I can't put my finger on it, but it just doesn't look like him. Looks more like someone who came in third place in a Opie look-alike contest.


It seems you accidently posted a picture of a giraffe.

This wins. By far the douchiest picture of opie ever.

He was the one guy in your group you fucking hated and didn't understand why he was still getting invited to shit

I almost threw up in my mouf

Yess this is the picture, just yuck

Is that the wiffle ball bat he shoves up his ass?

How could that have been a model...I'm not saying I'm any closer but still...

You HAVE to be closer. You HAVE to be. You ARE.

And the always entertaining.....Two Tits One Cunt

Haha Ant looks like a haggard old man. The true Uncle Paul

The one where his mouth looks like a gaping asshole. Somebody should photoshop goatse onto that one.

The pic from his TBS show is the most douchey. That smile he has enrages me each time I see it. It screams "I'm a fucking piece of shit."

I meant the one with his squinty smile

Oh yeah, that's on here. It is VILE. Also, I meant to comment those pics to Knuckklefucker...but I'm stupid