The reason Opie feels so comfortable and continues to blatantly lie about Anthony

1  2015-03-03 by pissinurbutt

is because he knows that A. Anthony won't confront him and B. Anthony wouldn't talk shit about Opie or the show. So. not only did he throw Ant under the bus, blatantly lie about all of it and make snide comments towards Ant, he's also taking advantage of Ant's confrontation issues and tactfulness. How much more of a backstabbing cunt can he be?? Fucking hate him


Opie is almost always projecting. But he is a real dope who has zero self awareness. Everything he says about ant wanting to do his own thing he is talking about himself.

Every bad trait he brings up about his mother. He is talking about himself.

Every piece of shit he talks about stern or a jocktober show he is talking about himself.

Totally. Well said, sir.

Opie is the exact person he accuses on the air who lie and backstab other people in the radio business. That one Carolla podcast ep with Ant on proves this. No wonder his mother hates him.

He and his mother are the same people. Think Norman Bates. But less funny

That makes me like him more, Ant is a ball-less beta.

Ha! Makes you like him more...meaning you like him in the first place...??! Your comment is now irrelevant.


All cunts smell like tuna. Your comment is redundant and irrelevant. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE


I miss Patrice.

Yeah, he was a funny guy, but I really miss his righteousness at times even more. too