Opie: "I think Shatner should have made it to the funeral" REALLY??

0  2015-03-03 by pissinurbutt

You, of all fucking people, are going to bash on someones loyalty??? Wow, you're a dumb motherfucker



That's the Bit!

It sounds really odd to me when Opie pulls out the "but I was loyal to him for 20 years" defense. Loyalty isn't about how you were loyal to someone during the good times/mutually beneficial times. Loyalty is sticking by a dude when the shit hits the fan.

Am I just missing something or overanalyzing that?

No, dude. But I don't think Opie has ever been truly loyal, to anybody. It's just not in his makeup. That's a human trait, Gingertits is a sloth

My loyalty? For 24 years people have been trying to kill me, people who know how. Now do you think that's because my dad was a Greek soda pop maker? Or because I'm an American spy? Go fuck yourself, you fucking child!