Cumia cut out Gavin's Opie bashing from the best of podcast huh?

9  2015-03-03 by nolasen

Figured (if it hadn't been mentioned already) that it would start a tizzy.


anthony is, was and will be the nice guy, as proven by the parties he invites listeners to and million other things, generally just being a welcoming guy to every white trash skank on long island and so on... opie on the other hand has fake stories that are crumbling apart and kids, because those are hard to make or unique to fuck up. He's a self centered asshole who likely wishes he made it by himself and not riding tin knockers coat tails.

Honestly, as funny (and accurate) as Gavin's jab at Opie was, it was at the very end of his segment on TACS...the wrap-it-up music was already playing. The whole point of Anthony's Best-Of podcast is to take short segments from the entire week and make an hour-long show from it. There was funnier, more compelling material from the Gavin McInnes interview, and that's what made Best-Of.

If Ant did put it in there it'd would've been a specific "fuck you" to Opie because of how near the end and off-topic the rant was.

true, but it's extremely noteworthy. or maybe it is just to reddit...

i dunno, if opie wasn't opie and more like perhaps ron, it could have just been put in as a jab and a radiowar bit. then again that comment wouldn't be made if opie were cooler and funner.

maybe it's just me, but the fact that they tiptoe around each other speaks volumes. there should be more intershow bashing, akin to tricking bobo into talking shit and recording it. it would be fun and blow off all this bullshit steam that has built up about the shows that you see here. make bits out of it.

but it ain't happenin

They tiptoe around each other because deep down they both don't know if their respected formats will prove successful in the long run. Both Op and Ant want to keep a cordial silence going as an escape valve for their career. If terrestrial or satellite makes them an offer to reunite AND it's more money than what Ant brings in with TACS, they can go on air without explaining the fighting/jabs while they were split.

I don't know. That interview with the guy that has the discovery channel show that NO ONE will give a shit about could have been cut down. But I do see your point as to why Gavin's slam didn't make it, I just wanted to note it.

Gavin McInnes interview

Interview seems a funny term considering what they discussed!

He also had the retweet from derosa for the podcast w/artie lange on the frontpage of his website yesterday...anthony throwin in the towel on that one too?

What? What happened with a retweet and Artie & DeRosa? I'm Johnny come lately to the party.

He knows Opie can't take it. Opie pretty much acknowledged on the air that one of the things they need to talk about when they "have a beer" before he'll go on Ant's show is that he wants Ant to get people to stop bashing him on the internet.

As if Anthony could wave his hand and stop it all. fucking pathetic that a guy who's whole "bit" is to shit on other people (bobo and the other retards, Jocktober etc...). Yet he can't fucking take it himself.

I think Ant giving a forced plea for people to stop making fun of Opie because he asked him to will just kick the hornets nest.

It wouldn't help opie, it would just make Ant lose listeners.

I don't think anyone would stop listening to TACS because Ant made a plea on Opies behalf to stop the internet bullying. It's pretty common knowledge that it was Opie that asked for it so Ant telling people to leave him alone will be merely a ceremonial request he can't realistically expect anything to actually to change because of it.

That's a good point. Either way it probably wouldn't do anything and would make Opie look worse.

That's a given. It definitely stinks of going to mommy because the kids at school were being mean. It's only going to lead into an escalation in ridicule for Opie.

Regis - I know you're right about that, but is Opie really that stupid that he thinks Anthony can single handedly silence Reddit? Jesus! Does he want Ant to Also Tweet something that will convince ISIS to disband?

"From the best of"
Did he cut it out of the replay?

Nope, still in the archived video.

IDK. Just noticed the cut from the podcast, which would plausibly reach a bigger audience, given that it's the free material.

The issue is, on every podcast he does promoting his show, he stresses more than anything else "100% honest, truly uncensored talk". He talks about that so much I actually began to think how much of a selling point that is. Like, I'd rather hear the funniest show than a show with the most "real talk". But anyway, if he edits things guests say out of his show, than his show is not what he promotes it as. I havent heard abut him say anything about black people more extreme than what he said regularly on O&A

It wasn't cut out I watched it the next day and it was still there

Anthony knows Opie saved him from a shitty blue collar existence.

I think Ant still sees it like if it wasn't for Opie, Ant would still be installing air conditioning ducts in 120 degree attics right now, so he doesn't want to just bash the guy who helped give him a career.

While this is technically true, I'm tired of people painting this picture of the highly successful Opester allowing the platform to expose the talents of Anthony and others. Like he gave of himself somehow. Opie was an average, local nightshift jock when he met Anthony. Yes, he was in radio, but only because of average (at best) talent and he went to school for the credentials, so he was hired. He was/is a less flexible Denny. But the platform that Opie initially gave to Anthony was very small. It grew as a result of Anthony's involvement, and later on due to Norton, Dice and the comic's involvement. That's the difference. Carson built the Tonight Show AND THEN gave that platform to others, Opie's platform was built by the others. His degree gave him the opportunity to lay down the slab, the collective talents of Anthony and the comics provided the materials and labor to build the mansion that Opie, the slab, lays beneath.

Definitely, Ant wasn't permitted on by a talented radio guy, he was just latched onto by a Scorch 0.5 type. Opie lucked into radio fame even more than Ant did, because Ant got it from being funny, Opie did it from riding on the coattails of funny people.

I get why he didn't but judging off the attention it got here.It was clearly the most important/best thing last week. If he wants others to subscribe I would add the interesting parts.

Hey Man! The TACS Show is 100% Uncensored! (except for anything that could be perceived as controversial).

If you subscribe, there is no change to the entire segment from that day and you can watch or listen to it at any time. Putting Gavin's comments on the "best of" would be way too obvious of a slam against Opie, and it had nothing to do with what the show was about that day. It was a final comment made while the wrap-up music was playing. It's called editing, not censorship.

That show stinks, and I don't like it.

Ant must really want back at Sirius. Hopefully the more successful he is the less fucks he gives about that traitor Opie. Jim is a traitor also but I hope he hires Jim.

I don't know. That interview with the guy that has the discovery channel show that NO ONE will give a shit about could have been cut down. But I do see your point as to why Gavin's slam didn't make it, I just wanted to note it.

If Ant did put it in there it'd would've been a specific "fuck you" to Opie because of how near the end and off-topic the rant was.

Gavin McInnes interview

Interview seems a funny term considering what they discussed!