Can we clean up the moderator roster?

7  2015-03-02 by c4mac


I'll mod if asked.

you gonna ride around on a vespa or sumthin?


Need more mods in different time zones. There is like a 16 hour window where the majority of links are caught in the spam filter then they all get dumped out at once.


I too, offer my services to banning Benjie

Hey asshole, just because I am not posting does not mean I am not doing my job. Go mind your own business.

Hey, welcome back! Now grow some thicker skin. If you wouldn't post in here exactly why is this your "job"? Seems like maybe it would be best for moderators of a subreddit to at least be participants in the subreddit.

I'll do it. I'm on this sub all the time checking it constantly. I don't know why. Sometimes I'll end up here when I was meant to be googling something else.


"redditor for 2 hours"
uh ok

Nigga forgot to sign into his real account.

I thought it was benjamin72 trying to trick his way into being a mod.

Started a new account. Just before all this NSFW stuff it said I couldn't post for some reason. Don't know my password for it. It's bullshit. Karma levels were on the up.