30 seconds in ; Opie, "I got rid of my tits."

8  2015-03-02 by Lilcumia


More like Anthony got rid of the tits

"Big heavy feeders" lol, Damn I miss Jimmy.

Cant fault the man, he went "all-in" with the Lucky Charms.

I'll never judge a man's relationship with breakfast cereal.

I know its too little too late- but maybe people wouldn't hate Opie so much if he made fun of himself a little more.

Idiots like Vos and fatsos like Kelly take a beating every time they are in, and they laugh about it. Tits gets on the defense immediately.

the first three minutes were actually pretty funny

I was enjoying it then they started talking about the weather and a local parade 4 mins in....

How the fuck does a man get baby weight? I thought it was a joke the first time, but Opie has been repeating it for years

That is his concept of humor. Endless repetition.

He had tits years before his wife even got pregnant.

I can almost hear the ghost of Anthony laughing along with Jimmy and his fantasies about manipulating Opies sweater meat with his penis

I don't know if this clip contains it, but I laughed pretty hard at Sam's logic as to why Jimmy should get lipo. Nice work, Samuel.

Dan Soder Again? Jesus Christ! Is he now the Only comedian in NYC? There used to be a never ending sups of comics on the show, now it's "Dan Soder will be our guest today. Florentine will be our guest tomorrow, and then we have a special treat for you! Wednesday's show we'll have Dan Soder AND Jim Florentine"! I've heard Dan is a great comedy writer and I believe it, but I don't think he's a funny comic or funny on the radio. Like Jimmy has said a hundred times, There are a lot of comics that are hilarious in everyday life but suck at stand up and vice versa. But that's just my opinion so fuck me running, right?