What's up with all the NSFW tags?

20  2015-03-02 by FatJewFromMiami

Just noticed the new "18 years old and willing to see adult content?" disclaimer. Has the virulent hatred which fuels this sub finally tipped it over to the X-rated category?


it's a wild subreddit.

This sub has passed the mods by. Nice try with the hate tho

Maybe it's the sidebar photo with the KKK, a burning cross, and a progeria kid?

Are you accusing Joe "I have black friends" DeRosa of being a progeria kid?

No, there was a Jewish child with progeria tied to the cross and burned alive. Joe DeRosa also supports killing children with birth defects.. he's that much of a monster.


The way Reddit works, in a few years, after we've all left, this will be a thriving fetish sub where people are photoshopping old Greggorio onto titties and jerking off. Nobody will even know he's a radio guy anymore. It will just be a deviant sexual obsession. In the year 2000...

In the year two thooooouuuuusaaaaaaand...

Well then call me ahead of my time

It's 2015, so it would have to be at least later than that

oh literal nawtfunny


We brought this upon ourselves.

This is obviously a false flag operation...

The mods are green with envy.

Opie probably got butthurt and reported the sub

Opie - the radio host with tits so saggy, his show's subreddit had to tag all threads nsfw.

I find it more surprising it took this long, we are the guys that send suicide, shit, prolapsed asses etc to people on twitter.

Seriously though, what's happening?

Apparently the sub put up too many explicit "Opie has tits" pictures. I kind of suspected that would be the reason.

probably not though

they do it for free

This is why we can't have nice things.

Your post implies we ever had nice things, I counter that we have always had Opie.

Ah shit. You're right...

I bet Opie and viral spiral had something to do with it.

Reddit marxist censors tend to do what only psychotics do, confuse reality with illusion.

Opies tits


Just fixing some things around here also the posts being caught in the spam filter should be fixed!!

Nothing is changing

Thanks for the clarification.

It's to make the regulars feel like they have a job.

Thermite paint