Remember when Opie tweeted he was writing his resignation letter?

11  2015-03-02 by Lilcumia

Why did he do that lol.


The same reason he's been saying for the last 10 years that he's not re-signing unless big things change... he's full of shit.

Big things did change. A third of their group is gone (half their talent).

Compulsive liar.

Because he's an idiot.

greggshells loves attention. He loves the haters, untill he blocks them.

he was stepping down from the viral spiral board of directors

He said he was writing his Re-signation letter I could see where people would get confused

You're saying that handing in a resignation letter isn't proper protocol when you are under contract and clearly fulfilling the time you signed up for?

He was just trying to figure it out...

Opies other options = 0

i actually did forget, what was the actual quote?

in light of everything, that makes him sound like just about a piece of shit

I feel uncomfortable.

Gets a buzzzz goin'....SAMMAY!!!

Because he's full of shit. He doesn't offer anything so he has to bluff everything.

He's a habitual liar who drums up shit like this to get people talking. Therefore that makes him an attention whore. If you ignore him and his crappy hack radio he will go away.

It's things like this that make me think that "insider info" post about Opie signing the new contract in July may be true. There is no reason to write a resignation letter when you don't sign a new contract. You simply work to the end of your current contract and don't sign a new one. The agents for SXM know this so even if he was still negotiating when he wrote the tweet it wasn't for them. It was for the remaining fans so they can think he was playing hardball and wasn't going to simply roll over and sign, which is exactly what he did.

So he gets tweets saying no don't leave and it makes him feel good.