So I'm listening to today's show 03/02 and 30 seconds in Opie says "I got rid of my tits."

5  2015-03-02 by OnAalldayyay

Hi Opie. Your show stinks and you should feel bad for re-signing.


The opster doesn't have a fat chest. He has tits. Gynecomastia. Breast tissue. He could lose all the fat on his body and his tits wouldn't go away.

"You see Gynocomastia is a disease, where the male of the species has a build up of tissuuee and fhluid and forms in the shape of breasts. I mean how can it form 'in shape' shouldnt it be 'out of the shape' of breasts or sumptin tssahhh tsssah"

It was more like an hour in. Just noticed the clips weren't uploaded in correct order.

"I got rid of my tits."

"We've got that chemistry, brothaman"

"We have 20,000 new listeners."

"Ant wanted to do his own thing for a while."

Is Opie attempting to use tits as a synonym for Ant?

I don't trust any of you guys. Gonna need a link and a timestamp.

Here's one of Opie's dumb-ass sycophants on the video and bashing Anthony.

iHatebologna59 40 minutes ago

Good God, Opie and Piers Morgan? The Cumia minions should be descending any moment now...