I love how Opie's showing his true colors more every day

25  2015-03-02 by pissinurbutt

(guess he didn't see THAT one coming in his dream to be the Big Shot) and the disgust and disdain for him here is not only not slowing down, it's actually growing. I fucking love it. It's SO deserved.


Opie is fucking delusional…sure he gave Ant his start but then Ant carried his lame ass for 20yrs..If Opie didn't have Jimmy to carry him now there's no way he would've let them fire Ant without a fight. Whenever I listen to O&J now, which is becoming less and less, the only one who mentions Ant in a positive way and sounds like he truly misses him is Jimmy. Nobody there can keep up with Jimmy but Ant and Jim could match each others funny lines everyday. That’s why Opie was bringing in all those other comedians at first but that’s slowing down now so the show sucks…Opie is a ungrateful Piece of shit.

He acts like he did Ant a favor. He NEEDED Ant for his career in radio to ever go anywhere. He was in his 30's, had been doing radio for years, and was still doing nights on Long Island when Ant showed up. He was "back from Mayberry and demented as hell." Actual fucking quote.

Ant took a pay cut from his AC job for his first job in radio. It was a step down but he had faith in his own ability and it paid off. Opie wasn't taking any risk by getting a guy much funnier than him to be on his show. It was his only chance. He owes Ant his career, not the other way around.

Spot on!

You had me at "ungrateful piece of shit"

Why in the fuck would Ant ever want to reunite?? In 3 more years Anthony (by himself) will be bigger than OandA ever were. I just hope Jim doesn't say no to Anthony a second time

I'm a big supporter of the fuck opie campaign, but I think it's a bit far fetched to say Anthony will be bigger than O&A ever were.

At their peak they had billboards in times square and signs hanging off of Madison Square Garden. They were syndicated across the nation with ratings showing record breaking viewership at that time slot.

To say a pay-to-listen service such as TACS will surpass those accomplishments is a bit aggressive.

If Ant keeps building he defiantly will beat out current O&J. I will be amazed if opieraqio gets resigned. I bet Opie gets some sweet heart behind the scenes cup cake job for being a good boy these last two years and leaves Jimmy to join TAJ show.

Fingers crossed that he'll end up sharing a cubicle with Dennis Falcone.

At their peak they had billboards in times square and signs hanging off of Madison Square Garden. They were syndicated across the nation with ratings showing record breaking viewership at that time slot.

He can be extremely successful without all that though

But he can't be bigger than O&A at their peak without all that.

Agree with this. O&A at their peak (I'd say around 2002) was massive. And don't forget at that time terrestrial radio in general was larger. Satellite Radio, iPods, smart phones, podcasts were all very fledgling and weren't true competition yet. So it would be hard for O&A to even be as popular as they once were.

True, but they'll never be that good ever again, together or apart. Do you listen to TACS? It's pretty damn good right now.

It's good, Ant's doing well which is nice.....but I'd still scrap the whole thing in a second if it meant a 1/10 chance of having O&A back at Sirius.

Opie isn't worth anything close to what he has/is getting paid. NO ONE listens to the show past and present for Opie. Opie is right that management is clueless based on the fact they keep renewing that untalented douche's contract. When Ant got fired, they should have offered him 25%-50% less than what he previously got. Opie is like the boyfriend always threatening to dump his current chick thinking he can do better when he's lucky to have what he already has. When this gig ends, Opie is lucky to do a podcast that's generates no revenue or a local small market morning zoo host.


He sure is

this is disrespectful to turd's.

You serve 20 years in jail. Then you get released. A year later the warden calls and asks if you'd like to come back to jail. Who, in their right mind would agree to that? Even for a lot of money, you'd tell the warden to fuck himself

If "jail" was going to pay me 3-5 million a year to show up... I would be getting right back into my cell.

You and Opie would get along fine. SHOW ME THE MONEY...!!! I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE

Yes! Opie and myself would get along fine. Just fine!! Yes!! Show me the money! Ummm, what's wrong with black people?

Jerry Maguire, nigga

You had me at "nigga".

I've gotten to the point I can't even picture them together AT ALL. When you try and picture them together at the studio it just doesn't work.

If I am doing the math correctly, around $3 million for the "Opster" (whatever) plus his 30% raise (he got when they canned Ant) gets him close to $4 million /yr. About $7 per month for TACS X 100,000 subs gets him $700k/month x 12= $8.4 million/year. If I am wrong please share but these are the numbers they have provided. I am clearly leaving out sponsors... Opie is a talentless douche and if they do the show again with Jimmy maybe he can chime in as the Hole and say "Awwww.... Come on guys!" I would rather stick with Erock and Keith than this overpaid BOARDOP!

meh some things to clear up. year long subs are cheaper than $7 a month also I doubt he has 100k more like 40-60k now. Also their is an overhead cost that I have no clue about. Hes probably doing well and to do whatever you want and work from home is pretty nice but not easy as it sounds.

I'm betting the numbers are closer to 4-6k. This is just a guess, based on no actual information.

I agree but judging by the O&A listeners you think the majority are paying annually? He does have overhead though - I was working off a gross number - fortunately he can deduct his entire basement and a good chunk of his home. Surprised his neighbors haven't lost their minds yet about it. He said on one of the shows he was at 100k was where I got that number but, again, he is making a good lving. #OPIEISABOARDOP

But to also think opie makes 3 mill is a ridiculous exaggeration I'd put him at 2 tops after the raise

He said on the show it was close to $3 million. After a 30% raise you get closer to $4 million which is not unrealistic. How else did he buy a $7 million apartment in the city recently?

ME: These fuuuuccckkkiinn reddit guys dont play

The best way to send a message is to just stop listening. People say "What else will I listen to that will take its place?" They hope the O&A magic will come back. It's dead. Listen to Bobby Kelly's podcast and the LoS podcast. It's what O&A used to be. Hilarious banter, guest stars, funny commentary on the news. You don't have to pay 15 dollars per month to listen to that hack anymore. You have other options like Opie has said. Give up on him. He's done.

I was going to listen to YKWD this weekend for the first time, but after reading the synopsis for about 20 different episodes, I realized it should be called "Bobby & 10 Other Guys You've Never Heard Of & There's A Reason For That"! Catchy Title!

I hadn't heard of comics on that show either but they're funny. YKWD has gotten some flak for being boring but I don't really see it. Even if it is bad now, the good one is Legion of Skanks. I'd HIGHLY recommend that. I never heard of Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J Gomez and Dave Smith, but apparently Gomez has appeared on O&J and they had a podcast with Anthony Cumia. They're legit.

Oh Snap! When did Opie say Give up on me, I'm done??

He never has said that but he has said multiple times that haters "have so many other options" and they don't have to listen. So if you don't like it, don't listen. There are podcasts out there that actually have funny people on them, that don't cost 15 dollars a month. And you can listen to them in your car too!

ThomasJCaretti is it?? Are you new? Are you illiterate? Because I never said that Opie said he sucks. I heard he said that and I was asking if it's true, you fucking Dummy! This Entire Sub is about Opie hate, so don't tell Anybody to go listen to something else because that will be an argument you can not win. So continue listening g to Opie, and continue jerking off every night while thinking of the "V" he used to have and don't be an I ternwt tough guy. Just be content to be the same pussy you've always been Ok? 95% of the peoe on here hate Opie & talk shit about Opie, so if you can't accept that then go elsewhere because I promise I'm being nice to you compared to all the other vicious assholes on here.

Have you started listening to other podcasts yet?


But it's funnier than o and j.

I have to agree with you there.

It is. As long as you're listening to ants show or anything that isn't Sirius it's fine. Burr has a good podcast too but he and ant...eh...not that friendly anymore

I listened to the O&J for the first time this weekend because someone on here suggested that the February 25th Nopie episode with Jimmy & Vos was great. (I wish I could find that person & kill them)! That episode would have been great except for two things.

Sherrod reminded me of the annoying douche who sits with the cool funny kids at the lunch table & Everytime the cool kids laugh & talk about funny shit, the annoying kid nervously throws out an unfunny line that goes Nowhere in an attempt to contribute to the topic. Sherrod should run back to vh1 and beg them to do the show I Loved 2014 because he can Not hang with the chemistry of Vos & Norton together!

And then we have Sam! When did he become a comedian? Or better yet, when did the Allow him to think he's a comedian? Fucking Christ! For once since Ant left, that episode had the potential to be Almost like listening to the old magic again. Sure, you had Sherrod there to derail any funny but luckily Jim & Bos acted like they didn't hear him. But I was so excited for Jimmy & Vos trashing each other for 3 or 4 Hours, but fucking Sam would Not go more than 10 seconds without having to hear his own nasally voice on the air!

Even though the show was a week old by the time I listened to it, I kept finding myself wanting to call in and scream at Sam telling him that Jimmy & Vos are already hilarious together, and they Don't need Sam to fucking piggyback every fucking line and quickly add his Unfunny line to kill the whole fucking topic! Sam literally acted like He was just one of the funny comics on the show that day. He even kept playfully trashing Vos like Jimmy does, but the difference is that Jimmy is funny and they've been friends for 30 Fucking Years! I even heard Sam say that even though Opie was gone today, He still came to work to "Entertain" the audience. Is that what this show has come to? Does the loyal Opie fans think Sam is comic gold? It really wouldn't surprise me if they think Opie is hilarious.

One more thing, How many fucking times did Sherrod say something that made No sense and wasn't funny and Jimmy & Vos paused and said wtf? Followed by 5 seconds of dead air. I can't believe they didn't trash him. At least after the second time.

I've always liked Sam. I'd rather hear him than Opie. That IS what it's come to..:(

Damn that is sad!

What a shit interview with Piers Morgan. Softball him and then say (after he leaves) that he doesn't agree with everything he says. Ant would have been debating him not bending over. Proves how much Opie is trying to be like Howard and get on The Voice or some other BS. Would be better off on The View or Fashion Police. That interview really pissed me off.

It was a non interview. A bunch of phony, hypocrites sitting around lying to each other. With smiles plastered on their faces. Shameful


He was part of your favourite radio show for so long fair enough acknowledge his shitness now but don't pretend it didn't work before

I never "pretended it didn't work". I started listening almost 12 years ago and completely loathed Opie by year two. Ant, Jimmy, Patrice and Burr are why I listened. Opie use to be much quieter, which I'm sure he resented and blamed Ant for. Now that blubber tits is the "Top Dog" the show is complete and utter shit. I only listen now to clips that people here comment about

Bullshit! Your full of malarky!

Opie has NEVER been funny and i have been with them since they got back on with XM (been to the studio twice). He is a good BoardOp who gets the show moving along at times. Now he has distinclty enhanced the base in his voice, laughs too hard and is trying to go mainstream a la Howard Stern. I never liked his bits either - very juvenile. I would rather listen to ManCow at this point but unfortunately Jimmy is still there. Jimmy has stepped up his game big time since Ant's departure and Opie ought to be paying him half at this point because the show would have collapsed. Watch over the next year, the "Opester" will be sucking up to Jimmy because his paycheck is gone without him.

I still follow O&J via Audible.com. Pisses me off when they do replays with Ant on it. Jimmy has gotten even better with Ant gone. I guess he had to step it up to fill in the vacuum of funny that would remain if Opie was on his own with Sam. Would prefer to listen to ERock and Travis otherwise. #OPIEISABOARDOP

I just hope when O and A reunite, the fans keep hating Opie. We will listen for Jim and Ant only. Opie distancing himself from Anthony was also a ploy for more money down the line. That greedy hack probably thinks an O&A reunion will give him more bargaining power in a couple years. That gold digging condo mortgage ain't cheap.

I personally don't want to see them back together. A&J is what most people would prefer..I'm guessing. Op needs to do what he does best, produce and manage and leave the broadcasting to the funny people.

I would gladly bear the burden of Opie to have Anthony and Jimmy together again.

We did it for 20 years, a couple more couldn't hurt

Hell, now everything's out in the open and it's obvious they don't like each other, maybe Ant wouldn't be so reluctant to tell Opie to shut up and sit still while he and Jimmy are on a roll. Probably not though, and I'd still take it over what we've got now...

All the comments Opie has made are geared to keep Ant the fuck away. Even tho he's presenting it like he's "being honest" or "revealing" he's really just being a cunt. Saying Ant wants to do his own thing, we just needed a break, 20 years is a good run, I don't hate the guy or anything. While Ant never says ANYTHING like that. Ant is diplomatic, loyal and sincere. I listened to the show everyday for many years, and as much as I loved that show, I can honestly say if they got back together, I wouldn't listen to 2 seconds of that shit.

I don't disagree with your assessment of Opie. It just doesn't offend me that much, certainly not to the degree that I wouldn't want the old show back. I'd be happy to forget the last 8 months in an instant in return, including the multiple revelations of Opie's stupidity, vanity, insecurity and selfishness.

Right there with you.

Ant doing voices and making abhorrent jokes to someone (especially Jimmy): hilarious.

Ant doing voices and making abhorrent jokes alone: old man having a stroke in his basement.

Yup. It's painful having to hear Anthony laugh at his own jokes.

I'm a subscriber to TACS, so personally I don't care if they reunite. But to say they won't would be silly. Opie knows he needs Ant. Hence "that door is open" crap he was spewing.

The "door is open" crap is only what he says to get the fans to keep hope alive and keep listening. It's just a gimmick.

Here is the issue with that from a business perspective.

Opie knows he needs Ant

Anthony doesnt need Opie. Whatever some people might say, TACS has been a success business wise. Creatively, it has gotten a hell of a lot better, to the point where I for one wont cancel my subscription anymore. It is nearly on par with OandA from a few years ago, and its getting better each show.

What wiould Opie contribute? Nothing that someone else could. Opie would probably want a 50/50 venture. Why would Anthony agree to that since he took all the risk starting a platform and growing it, doesnt make sense.

Anthony returning to sxm. Why? Anthony has more income potential with his show. Each 5,000 subs he brings in, he gets 450,000/yr extra. 10,000 subs is nearly a million. If they increase the subs on a sxm show (as opie recently said), that wouldnt affect his income. In would be a contract therefore no incentive. 20,000 subs extra for tacs would dramatically increase it.

They will not do a show together again, unless its something that doesnt take away from Anthony's focus on his show. And most probably be used as a vehicle to promote his show. He has said this. And it make complete sense.

See above. at $7 per month Ant said he has 100k subs... Am I off on this???

When did he say he has 100k? The closest thing to any indication i have seen is 25-45k. 100k doesnt seem reasonable at this stage.

Very good points, ricardo. I agree that Ant bringing Opie in on his show would provide no benefit to Ant or the show. He'd also be bringing along all of the Opie-hate baggage of fans.

Oh shit! Youre really in the know!

Stop acting like youre some kind of expert on anthony. Youre just another faggot who obsesses over him every minute.

Still upset you spent your weekend creating 20 accounts and having to buy a vpn because all your accounts and IP were banned by the admins?

You seem confused

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery sir! Thank you sir!

On another note! You spend EVERY DAY moderating tacs discussion like a sycophant! Good job sir!

nope. Keep thinking you matter though

The struggle is real with this guy....


Jeff, you're over 30 and you troll a very niche corner of reddit. You really need to reevaluate your priorities in life. Please seek help or take the razor for a walk down the street.

You're one to talk about obsession, Jeff.

It's done man. O&A got 9-11ed so fucking hard.

I'm pretty sure they will never, ever reunite. Opie has lied too much and Anthony has allowed him to...too much. It would be VERY awkward

When they finally have it out for real, I'll be glad I bought a big ass popcorn machine.

Still upset you spent your weekend creating 20 accounts and having to buy a vpn because all your accounts and IP were banned by the admins?

You seem confused

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery sir! Thank you sir!

On another note! You spend EVERY DAY moderating tacs discussion like a sycophant! Good job sir!

You're one to talk about obsession, Jeff.