Opie and Gavin

12  2015-03-02 by SeattleThatNeedle

Let me guess, there was no mention whatsoever of it on the show?


I love that after all his tough talk during jocktobers people finally realize he's completely helpless without Ant to fight for him. All any of those other radio shows had to do was make fun of him for being the board op on the show and he wouldn't have any defense against the truth.

I love that after all his tough talk during jocktobers people finally realize he's completely helpless without Ant to fight for him.

Remember the vid of some guy fucking with him during the walkover and Kenny or Po tackling him then Opie IMMEDIATELY getting in their face while they were being held down by a monster? Tough fucking guy.

..then for the rest of the XM show, Opie went on about it like he alone subdued the guy while the Stern fan was trying to slit Ben's throat. That is by far one of the douchiest clips from the show, one of Opie's worst.

That defines him.

That's the incident that got Ben Sparks fired.

I don't know if that's true that Ben got fired for that, but Ben Sparks definitely was flicking water at the guy from a water bottle, which led him to think he was being spit on. As douchey as the Stern fan was, he was goaded into the situation by Ben. He was hands-off until that point. It makes Opie seem even more douchey to me.

I thought Ben got fired for being a drugged out mess?

They apparently saved his job a few times before that. The walkover incident was the last straw. Ben has always blamed Opie, for whatever reason.


Opie is gonna respond 2 days after he learns what torpid means. The first day will spent realizing that its an insult

There's no way Opie would ever call out somebody as outspoken and intelligent as Gavin

Gavin is a Jesus freak whose against abortion ever since he had a kid of his own. All of these people claim to be so radical and smart but have kids and become their parents anyways.

Plenty of religious Nobel prize winning laureates. Being religious doesn't automatically translate into being stupid, but being ignorant of this certainly does...

Classy fucking response.

A rarity in this sub.

Agreed. There's a lot of territory to cover between just being religious and being a "Jesus freak." I grew up around Jesuit Catholics and also later dated a "non-denominational Christian" Jesus freak that thought she could speak in tongues with God and thought he spoke to her. Their services involved healings and all kinds of other bullshit. These were two VERY different kinds of religious people.

At least Gavin has opinions on things. Opie waffles on every opinion he's ever had. He's never had a stance on anything and only follows the group when something is brought up.

Yeah. Listen to "The Boys Critique Carlin's New Special"

"The Boys Critique Carlin's New Special"


He's "against abortion"? You cite this like it's a bad character trait. And where had Gavin claimed to be "radical" or "smart". Look to Opie for that type of self-aggrandizement.

The point is he wasn't until he had his own kid. He thinks being a father empowers him and makes him matter which is typical shit holes say. Watch his racewars episode with bonnie. I laughed at what he said about opie tho.

He's a republican hipster doofus who has never been funny beyond saying extraordinarily mean shit - like Opie. People in here only like him because he badmouths Opie. Gavin only did that because he put his finger in the air and figured out how to get more fans.

I don't know all of Gavin's history, but I kind of got a slightly similar vibe as you from his interviews. Some of his "outrageousness" seems a bit embellished, and it just seems kind of goofy. I thought his comment on Opie was hilarious and pretty accurate, but I'm not really sold yet on him being co-host material. If his only prominent difference with Anthony is religion, then that does away with so many other potentially interesting debates on a myriad of other topics between the two (e.g., Jimmy didn't always agree with Ant, and they had some great back and forths). So far he is better as a regular guest.

I've been aware of him every since he was a thing in New York and know people who know him, and he's really like... you know when WNEW was peaking and Opie was exactly the edgy guy who loved Korn and everything that was going on in pop culture, and knew how to reach edgy 20-something dudes in 1995-2002? And then it is painful and embarrassing now? Replace 1995-2002 with 2002-2008 and you have Gavin, it just doesn't sound as bad because it isn't as dated yet.

I think I get what you're saying here. I'll have to watch a little closer next time he's on.

Like all sloths, Opie moves very slow and those big jelly tits only anchor him down even more. Expect a response in a few weeks.

I'm still waiting for a response to Hypno Fez and that was like 3 months ago at this point.

He's a slothful motherfucker.

i sub to TACS what day was the Opie bashing? and around what time stamp? or better yet...anyone have a clip?

Go back and listen to his on aide fights with jimmy and Ant. He is mentally inferior. He's all in with the "I'm holding back, leave it alone" threats

Yeah, he tries to be all covert and cryptic, when it's totally obvious he's got NOTHIN. Such immature, pussy passive aggressive shite

Opie is now basically being Jocktobered, he has become a radio hole, and he even grew the breasts. Karma might be real.

Karma IS real. And it's spelled, "Haha fuck you"

Well, like anyone cares. You got this fanboy on the recent upload of today's episode:

iHatebologna59 40 minutes ago

Good God, Opie and Piers Morgan? The Cumia minions should be descending any moment now...

We call him a cunt about a thousand times a day. At least sloths are popular.

ME: I couldn't be bothered

Does anybody actually believe the Opster has 323k followers?

He's "against abortion"? You cite this like it's a bad character trait. And where had Gavin claimed to be "radical" or "smart". Look to Opie for that type of self-aggrandizement.

Plenty of religious Nobel prize winning laureates. Being religious doesn't automatically translate into being stupid, but being ignorant of this certainly does...

At least Gavin has opinions on things. Opie waffles on every opinion he's ever had. He's never had a stance on anything and only follows the group when something is brought up.

He's a republican hipster doofus who has never been funny beyond saying extraordinarily mean shit - like Opie. People in here only like him because he badmouths Opie. Gavin only did that because he put his finger in the air and figured out how to get more fans.

I thought Ben got fired for being a drugged out mess?

I don't know if that's true that Ben got fired for that, but Ben Sparks definitely was flicking water at the guy from a water bottle, which led him to think he was being spit on. As douchey as the Stern fan was, he was goaded into the situation by Ben. He was hands-off until that point. It makes Opie seem even more douchey to me.