Growing the TACS Network

3  2015-03-02 by StopApologizingUSA

Keith has mentioned a few times "building something". Obviously a studio in NYC would help. But what shows or personalities do you guys think would really help grow


i really liked the bobo show

Race Wars, Legion of Skanks and Tough Crowd Podcasts.

Only thing is that LoS seems perfect where they are.

I'd love to hear what Dennis Falcone would do with an hour of non-musical content.

He'd do what any guy would do if he could.

Mohammed Emwazi.

Can't wait for tough crowd podcast.


Know what i mean?

Dennis Falcone "Live from the Playboy Mansion"

Hard drive of pre-teens?

Ah come on my friend- you know he don't work blue!

Joe Derosa

Big Jay and Luis aka Legion of Skanks Ari Shaffir doing a show, whatever he wants East side Dave, preferably joined by Pepper doing a show I also believe Artie Lange is free from contract obligations, hm.... There are some good options

Why would any of these podcasts kill their growth ability by putting themselves under Anthony's pay umbrella.

Exactly. That's why Ant should just give it up and go to KComedy Radio or Riotcast.

I heard Ant on LoS the other day. He fit in great with the guys. He can do his own podcast with guests. But of course he has to charge for his podcast, which already pisses people off.

Artie has a podcast thats probably just under half the size of Anthony's, I think he will stick to that until he OD's on heroin

The pressure of having to make it to his own kitchen to record his podcast every day is killing him. If he had to get out of his house and get to a separate studio he'd be dead inside of a month.

As much as I love Artie's comedy, I really can't stand the guy anymore. He is so self-pitying... he will go on a rant about how awful his lot in life is and then append it with "but I know it's my fault. I'm an addict." It's the same concept as when someone tells you "No offense, but ... " and goes on to insult you. If he had any gratitude he wouldn't be such a piece of shit, he needs to grow up and end the hedonism

Is touch crowd podcast a real thing that's been mentioned? Cuz that'd be amazing

Is "Touch Crowd" some sort of Uncle Paul based podcast?

Please tell me it will be officially known as "Touch Crowd" from now on.

Someone made a comment about wanting a touch crowd revival and Keith replied with something along the lines of "what makes you think it's not in the works?" Could have been shit-stirring, could be something real. They make a lot of promises lately, the app, the studio, second mike, etc.

Ktc just lies to keep subs on and/or attracts subs. Nothing he has said has come true.

No one wants to be fully associated with the tacs network. No one outside of this world gives 2 fucks about tacs. Ant is a funny dude but it's mismanaged and Ktc is just a cop.

You think cq is going to bring tough crowd to tacs? Get fucking real. Dude is friends with Seinfeld he is not going to do tough crowd out of a basement.

This place amazes me sometimes.

i'd love for him to get some comedic black racists to fill in a few spots too.

build up a network that is full of everything that is anti-culture and critical of society

LoS Bobby Kelly

Both already are with other networks though. Honestly Ant should just join Riotcast or the network LoS are on. Give your network and your subscription fee crap up. Do a weekly podcast just like everyone else. And it's not like Ant's a stupid guy. He was on the LoS podcast. He can do his own, read the reads for dollar shave, get the ad money.

Nick DiPaolo plz.

I really don't see any comic based show joining his "network." Comics mainly use podcasts as a promotional tool and it would be retarded for any comic to put their 1 hour a week show behind a paywall.

1) Because he has a built in audience 2) the show gets out for free anyway 3) Anthony has connections 4) Anthony can get bigger names

No-Chins and the Meaty breasted zilch: Starring Rich Vos and Gregg "Opie" Hughes.

Maybe Norton down the road

tough crowd*

More like keeping tacs on life support.

Artie has a podcast thats probably just under half the size of Anthony's, I think he will stick to that until he OD's on heroin

Why would any of these podcasts kill their growth ability by putting themselves under Anthony's pay umbrella.

As much as I love Artie's comedy, I really can't stand the guy anymore. He is so self-pitying... he will go on a rant about how awful his lot in life is and then append it with "but I know it's my fault. I'm an addict." It's the same concept as when someone tells you "No offense, but ... " and goes on to insult you. If he had any gratitude he wouldn't be such a piece of shit, he needs to grow up and end the hedonism