Can Ant have Gavin McInnes on again?

6  2015-03-01 by jcafaro17

Let me be clear. No truer words have been said than how McInnes described the opster. I loved what he said, and he hit the nail on the head. However, we all know how Ant has been extremely diplomatic about the whole situation and going up to the line but never crossing it when it came to bad mouthing opie. If he brings Gavin on anytime soon he would be a flat out condoning the thoughts and would probably really ruffle the opster feathers. Clearly ant doesn't want to do that because of the way he's been talking the last six months whenever opie's name comes up.

That would be like opie and jimmy bringing in Derosa or Kindler and just yuking it up. Even if Ant's name never came up how could Ant still be friends/cordial to them if they had the likes of them on their show? I'm not defending opie but if Ant is trying to maintain some sort of working/professional relationship with him having Gavin on would destroy it.

Now with that being said I hope Gavin becomes a cohost.


fuck opie.

Remember the video of big a and bobo recently that came out calling opie out straight from Anthony's living room?

Well they were back on the show a few days later.

Remember Gavin calling out Jim via twitter after his first appearance on TACS for "banning" him from o and a? He has been back on twice after that.

Anthony doesnt care.

Opie had bobo on his show to "confront" him before ant was able to have a show. There's no way opie is going to confront a non retard adult

Bobo was back on TACS was my point.

Understood, but there's a big difference between bobos feeble brained jabbing and McInnes' brilliant destruction.

Haha yeah bobo is the kings fool. Gavin is a king in his own right.

He's got great articles up on

Most of them are related to a lot of PC nonsense of today.

Thanks, Gavin's the shit.

When he said, "It reminded me of women in the work force. where they would say something and you would go, 'Yeeah, that's a good idea, ANYWAY...' I was fucking rolling. That was dead on

He'll have him back on, but he'll limit him to just one Guinness.

Gavin McOneGuiness ...tss'

Gavin is awful. The most obnoxious guest ant has ever had. I love what he said about Opie but I'd be happy if I never heard his voice again

I know people loved him because of what he said about Opie, but I don't see what the big deal is about the guy either. He comes off as kind of obnoxious & disingenuous to me, like he's trying to play up this "wild man" character, "look out, you never know what THAT guy will say!"

I don't hate him but I certainly don't rush out to listen to TACS when he's on. Im just 'eh' about him.

Yup. I only ever want to hear his cunt voice again if it's gurgling through a mauled, massacred windpipe.


He didn't hit any nails on any heads. All he did was express rage at Anthony's firing. It coincided in NO WAY WHATSOEVER with all of the criticisms about Opie that have been building here for months and years.

You social justice people need to get this type of shit straight in your fucking heads. Because you're ruining humor by confusing it with "truth".

What? Opie's main flaw is that he's incredibly slow-minded, he's not smart enough to pick up on jokes or contribute anything meaningful to the conversation. No description could be more apt than "torpid sloth." All the other problems spiral out from his mental inadequacy.

Yeah why the hell did I say that? Booze is one thing but that was just dumb.

I think I'm just on a funny vs angry kick because of Gavin and his unfunniness. Dunno where I get off being so unfunny in doing so.

Rage at Anthony's firing? He explicitly expressed his opinion that the firing was the best thing to happen to Anthony and that Opie was holding him back. Social justice people? What the fuck are you on about? You can't possibly know what that actually means if you're applying it to this thread or the people in this sub.

Gavin is a 100% social justice obsessed person.

Anthony is a 100% social justice obsessed person.

If you don't know that, or just won't admit it, you deserve to have your nose broken over and over and over again until your head is completely red with blood.

Those two are the polar opposite of social justice

You forgot the important noun. Didn't ya.

"Obsessed" is an adjective and "person" provides zero clarification. You are horrible at this.

Person is a noun. You were too afraid and scared to say it. Pussy.

"Those two are the polar opposite of social justice people" would ruin your point because it wouldn't be accurate. So you omitted a word, because you're a little fucking pussy.

Jesus Christ, you're thick. Of course it's a noun. It was written with the assumption everyone would know that. The point is that it doesn't clarify what you meant. You are obviously a very special person, but I'm going to leave you now because you are a waste of time.

But I'm the one who wrote it. You didn't write a noun. You omitted all nouns, because you are a pussy.

Run and hold your pussy lie to your chest like it's gold, pussy.

I think I see where we've gone wrong. In my original comment I meant that his comments about Opie had nothing to do with his anger about the firing. He was probably angry about the firing, but I don't think it had anything to do with his opinion about Opie. Upon re-reading, I can see how that didn't come across correctly.

He was probably angry about the firing

That's all I wanted to hear.

Opie double titfuck fistbump

Well, that was certainly graphic. They certainly talk about social justice issues at great length and go after "social justice warriors," but you called people here "social justice people" not social justice obsessed. That can easily be taken as you meaning "social justice warriors," which led me to believe that you don't know what you're talking about. Also, you failed to refute the point that Gavin was not angry about the firing, and in fact said it was the best thing to happen to Anthony. You've failed to refute anything I said. You essentially said, "No, I'm right, and now I would like to punch you in the face numerous times to prove it."

You think he thought it was a proper firing then? Supported it, and such?

Oh no, that's right, you're just pretending to be smart.

I'm not smart, you're just an idiot. How does Gavin thinking it was the best thing to happen to Ant mean he supports the actual reason for the firing? He clearly isn't in support of the reason Ant was fired, but he definitely thinks it is great that Anthony is no longer with Opie. You are failing miserably to make even one valid point.

Because you said this:

Gavin was not angry about the firing

Yes, I meant the comment about Opie wasn't because of anger at the firing. I clarified a little more in my comment above.

What? Opie's main flaw is that he's incredibly slow-minded, he's not smart enough to pick up on jokes or contribute anything meaningful to the conversation. No description could be more apt than "torpid sloth." All the other problems spiral out from his mental inadequacy.

Rage at Anthony's firing? He explicitly expressed his opinion that the firing was the best thing to happen to Anthony and that Opie was holding him back. Social justice people? What the fuck are you on about? You can't possibly know what that actually means if you're applying it to this thread or the people in this sub.

Gavin is a 100% social justice obsessed person.

Anthony is a 100% social justice obsessed person.

If you don't know that, or just won't admit it, you deserve to have your nose broken over and over and over again until your head is completely red with blood.