Opies wife is a 7 at best

0  2015-03-01 by bushwater

I love how these guys say a girl is an 11 all the time when they aren't even close to an 8.


That's the type of thought you shoulda just left rattling around in your head

You're a 2... And 2's are faggots.

All this Opie bashing is funny and entertaining as hell but why would you care if his wife was hot or not? The type of people that pick at shit like this are the ones without girlfriends. And if you do have a wife or girlfriend, please post some pics of her so we can all grade her on a 1-10 scale .

She's pretty

She's an 8 minimum, I'd give her a 9. Come on dude.

I haven't seen any recent pictures of her. She's gotta be over 30 and has had two kids. Definitely not a 9 anymore, and a 7 would be very generous.

You could very well be right by now, I'm just going by what I've seen so far.

I would engage in coitus with her.

Nah Bam only sleeps w 8s or above

She's a solid C+

Yes, but enough about her personality, what about her looks?


leave it alone...

What are you a numba's whizz or something? Tsss Tsss

I haven't seen any recent pictures of her. She's gotta be over 30 and has had two kids. Definitely not a 9 anymore, and a 7 would be very generous.