Bobby Lee

5  2015-03-01 by tropicalstormeric

He's great on the radio. How is his standup? Coming to Charlotte in coming months. Thinking of getting tickets.


if youve never seen him before he's fucking incredible but if youve seen him before theres a lot of recycled/re-used material

Definitely one of the best O&A guests.

Yeah he is one of the best stand up comedians. Would be a mistake not to see him.

He's great

He is great, one of the funniest guys ever.

Remember when Bobby told that story on O&A about having sex with an underaged prostitute when he was like 23? That was dark as fuck. He realized she was probably like 14-15 halfway through it and could even hear her softly sobbing and he just hurried up and finished.


Thanks guys.

One of the best comics to come on o and a

Better than Bobby Kelly

I miss Patrice.