Video of Gavin Mcinnes Calling Opie a "Torpid Sloth"

88  2015-02-28 by mattyp3

I uploaded this video clip to Youtube then shared it here on Reddit where it was displayed for a few minutes then taken down. What gives?


Wow. Didn't know much about McInnes before seeing this clip, but I'm an instant fan. His comparison of Opie to a woman in the office "Uhhh yeah...that's a good idea....ANYWAY, let's get back to having a great time and being hilarious" is maybe the best I've heard anyone encapsulate Opie's role on the O&A show.

Gavin is the shit, and not just for the Opie bashing (anyone with ears could have come up with the radio-hole analogy). And that 4 minute video had more entertainment going on than O&J had in the last week.

Yep. I first found out about him from seeing him as a guest on Red Eye a couple of years ago. Say what you want about that show, but Gavin rules no matter where you see him.

He killed even on his appearances on the Sun News Network here in Canada.

I don't expect him to show up on TACS all the time, but it is the perfect outlet for him since he can say whatever the fuck he wants.

He has rapidly become a comedic favorite of mine because of raw honesty and logic. Hes not even a comedian

This is like reading Fox News commentary at this point. I bet your wife is enormous.

Agree this dude is awesome


Opie is currently crafting an epic comeback for Monday's show where pretends he didn't even hear about it.

Haven't you heard,he has two kids. (and a stay at home wife,a maid,Kenny,etc.) .

It's insane how he has 4 hours/day to come in and read off the show prep that Travis,Erock and Sam put together for him+ endlessly roam around his block waiting for Bam to finish.

If he had any moral decency he would understand how insulting it is for his listeners and guests to hear him talk about how he doesn't have enough time or how he can't miss a couple of hours of sleep to support Colin who still shows up to the show,probably for Jim's sake.

I'm in my 20s,currently unemployed and I'm pretty sure I have less free time than he has.

Gavin is good people. Each episode he has been on has been dope. This one was a treat for us in particular though.

Op, as far as the vid coming down, its probably the sub spam filter. Dont worry about it.

I thought the the last one before this was kinda bad. Seemed like he drank a little too much and got kinda sloppy. He was rambling quite a bit, and at times not making much sense while doing it.

yea I got that impression as well. It was entertaining in a way though. But cringy like a drunk uncle on Christmas. He made up for it this time.

He definitely fell off the reason train last time

It happens

Yo word up? Its been dope!?! You're a dope.

Gavin is a Grade A good egg

Thanks for the upload! I've been looking forward to seeing this.

I like how Ant knew exactly what was going to happen after Gavin's comment: "I'm sure Reddit will just forget about that...."


Greggshells can't have a comeback to that (I mean he already has a cum-back from Sirius anyway) But Imagine if he said "Ant why didn't you stick up for me?" Mr Cumia could laugh in his man titted cuckold face and ask when he stuck up for Ant.

whats the point when you're rich as balls

That was Opie's defense when JV and Elvis were destroying him onair by calling him a board op. He had no response but to tell us how rich he was. It was sad. Despite his money he is the same loser from school who no one likes. The dopey kid people ignored. And all his money has never made him likeable or cool(the thing which the Sloth seeks above all else).

So yeah, the fact that Ant laughed his ass off and didn't defend him is killing Opie.

The most douche chilling moment of the JV and Elvis fight was when Ant got back on the line and the first thing Opie said was, "Ant, how great was I?" Ughh...WTF?

for some reason the money isnt enough. the man will not find content until he makes a viral video or is popular on twitter. FOR WHAT EVER FUCKING REASON. its so god damn stupid. this is why hes so hateable.

It's not just the wanting to be cool, it's the lack of humility and ability to see your own flaws that really bugs me about Opie.

If he just took shots at himself and laughed and kept going it would be cool. I'm not even talking about heavy shots like OP's video, but the small things. Any time any comedian has made a joke at the opester, no matter how silly or benign, he has to pause, explain why that slam wasn't cool, and explain why he is cool. Prime example, he slams Vos on not being a good TV guy, then can't take a small joke about a TV appearance that Opie and Ant were on.

For someone who lobs out insults like crazy, the dude can't take a single jab in jest.

What's even worse is he sees this behavior as being able to "hang". It's a pack of jackals all joshing each other and he's giving as good as he gets. He probably took his cue from Jimmy when he was roasted, when Jimmy said "I'm not gonna not fight back" but came back with comebacks that were genuinely funny. In the opster's frat-douche mind, that's all he's doing. He thinks it's "bully vs bully". But just has no clue that in reality, he's just being a whiny thin-skinned baby.

It's also kinda funny how his understanding of "virality" seems to be a half-decade out of date at this point to. He aspires to the likes of Tay Zonday and all those Tosh.0 season 1 "All-Stars" that actually made the people behind the videos famous. He doesn't seem to understand that in the time since all those mid-to-late 2000s videos became popular, the phenomenon has accelerated to several videos a day multiplied across every area of interest from sports to celebrities to video games.

He had a good angle a while ago: behind-the-scenes videos of the show. All of his in-studio videos and those he recorded at the Sirius building are pretty good i.e. Dice hitting on Mashup Nicole, Ant returning the purse of the blissed-out Tony Clifton girl, Bobo's up-and-down game f. Patrice, etc. Hell, even the fly-fishing trip videos with Bobby are kinda neat. But Opie wants his videos that designed to be funny to be successful while down-playing the videos that are organically funny and have a better chance of being successful.

Your entire post is an excellent, spot on observation. Very well done.

Because it's Opie. He's ALWAYS tried to be cool, everytime someone has mentioned his name he spoke out, until now. Now people are ragging on him on Ant's show and he's silent or "I didn't see it".

ME: I'm gonna make it on Ant's show soon. When the time's right. For real. Belch We'll set the record straight for all the fucking hatersss. Ant's doin his thing and I'm doin my thing.

I think the "right" time is quickly disappearing...

yup he's a douche but im surprised no one has told him to just act cool and live in his 7 mil condo

I think that's what most want. Enjoy your money and just go away so Jimmy and Ant can work together.

be nice wouldnt it? throw in some colin q into the mix too

That's what everyone wants.... EEEVERYONE!!!

We need a torpid sloth sidebar pic

Listen to Keith the Cop laughing his ass off off-screen. You know he's heard similar observations plenty of times after Ant's had a few rum and cokes. I'm dying to know what Ant's nickname for Opie that he accidentally texted to him is.

Think Gavin was on the sauce again. Gavin may be the only bigger drunk that Anthony. I loved when he would do Red Eye plastered and say whatever horrid thing came to mind.

What did he say that was horrible?

Heaps of shit, unfortunately the sound just drops out for about 20 seconds while he talks. the same happens a lot when Jesse Joyce is on.

I think this one was after lent last year when he gave up drinking scotch.

I was implying him making fun of Opie isn't horrible. The show has clearly passed you by

I like to listen to OpieRadio more than any other show on Sirius besides Stern, Passed me by it has.

just watch his eyes around the 2:30-3:00 mark and you know he's sauced out of his gourd. His eyes waver and it looks like he even has a tiny Vos burp.

Strange....when he was on the radio with SlothTits, he would immediately jump in and defend him as being the rudder or the divide and conquer.

Gavin nailed Opie for exactly what he has been for at least the last 5 years.

It's getting to the point where there is no coming back for Opie.

Damn, he went right for the jugular. A swift smashing. I'm curious as to what the Opster's response will be. Surely this is too bold and deliberate a trashing to not be addressed?

Opie will claim he didn't hear it just like the accurate Bobo trashing

Do you happen to have a link for that? I heard about it but didn't see it or hear it.

And yes, I'm too lazy to search myself.

Just watched this episode and fuckin died laughing when he said this. Fuckin love this guy even more now.

I made a gif of Gavin saying torpid sloth and Ant's reaction

Thank you so much for this video.

I remember Opie talking to Stuttering John about how he gets trashed constantly online, and he said something to the effect of...

"Anthony could make one statement and stop all that."

SO, I'm sure this will be VERY well received by The Opster. History will know this moment as 'The Final Nail'.




adjective: torpid

mentally or physically inactive; lethargic.
"we sat around in a torpid state"
synonyms:   lethargic, sluggish, inert, inactive, slow, lifeless

That was a lot more hurtful than I thought it would be.

I've been reading Gavin's stuff on Takimag (which I found because of Jim Goad writing on there as well) which is quite nice.

Also enjoyed the interview he did with Vos and Bonnie a few weeks back where he was fucking destroying some feminist broad who I think was a friend of Bonnie's, and telling her "forget what your college professors told you honey, intersectionality isn't real" and she was just traumatized (triggered perhaps you might say, or even oppressed).

Gavin did great work with the Big 3 Podcast.

Gavin triggered me...

Best part is Anthony not defending Opie. God who will break first passive aggressive Jimmy or "stay silent while other trash Opie" Anthony?

I worked for Vice magazine and felt a tinge of guilt because I love Gavin so much. I maybe kind of helped him out on the article that got him fucking temporarily banned from Fox News. Oops. Anyway, I love him and Anthony and the fact all these aspects are colliding into this makes me fucking happy.

I like how Ant said something along the lines that Reddit will love this.

I happen to think Ant quite enjoys the fucking brutal beatings we put on people, even if it is him sometimes. He is not softskinned, and reacts the right way.

If we beat on Opie, and he laughed it off, or even embraced it, it would stop. But he gets fucking mad, which only makes us push harder.

The difference between Ope and Ant is people skills, and skin thickness.

Gavin is a douche. But he's the best kind of douche one that's actually funny and interesting. Unlike bitchtits.

So spot on

I agree but Ant should have at least done some half ass defense.

Of course you all love this guy. He's as tolerant as the rest of ye

"We’re all transphobic. We aren’t blind. We see there are no old trannies. They die of drug overdoses and suicide way before they’re 40 and nobody notices because nobody knows them. They are mentally ill gays who need help, and that help doesn’t include being maimed by physicians."

He's totally right. It's not very sensitive to say but it's true.

Regardless of what he "really" thinks about trans people, that article was very deliberately inflammatory.

I actually disagree with most of his ideas, but that's one exception I'm with him on. How about just being a dude who likes cock, or a chick who likes twat, rather than using the miracle of technology (and the guilt of social justice) to be granted something on the level of "I wish I had a zillion dollars" from a djinni?

I don't know but to me it seems extremely gluttonous. It's like if I created some action network where the main point was "I reeeeally need to have Scarlet Johansson as my fuck toy. It's a need I feel and it won't go away so society ought to provide that for me. Go over to her house right now and clone her, and if you don't or if you judge me in any way, you're horribly intolerant!"

It would be intrusive/creepy for Scarlet Johansson, who some would argue has the right not to be cloned and used as a fucktoy.

But trans folk aren't hurting anyone else are they? Let them be trannies in peace!

I find a lot of Gavin's politics agreeable, but I never found him funny.

Strange, I'm almost the opposite.

Eh, I always give him a shot, but he falls short of ever making me laugh. He just doesn't seem like a very quick witted guy.

Gavin is like the "cool" youth group minister who demonstrates that he is antiauthoritarian because he plays Dave Matthews Band riffs on his stupid acoustic guitar. But ultimately he's a middle aged right wing loser who is now desperate to hitch himself to whatever wagon will keep him afloat as a media personality. You guys only like him because he talks shit on Opie. He is Opie, and Anthony's show is no funnier than Opie and Jim if you have ears and half a brain. And Anthony will probably give Gavin a show, because that's what Gavin has been reduced to, and I can't wait to bring this up in three years when you idiots turn on everyone involved.

yeah...then what happened?

Gavin sucks!!! Actually had to fast forward the show cause he was getting on my nerves. He's the kid at school who tries too hard to fit in with the cool crowd. "No sir, I don't like him"

It'd be great if someone with name recognition would say that.

Notice how strongly Cumia denied and contradicted that characterization.

Notice how strongly Cumia denied and contradicted that characterization.

I must have watched the wrong video.

Pretty sure he's being sarcastic in that 2nd comment


You don't need name recognition to call out Opie as exactly what he is.


Gavin is the shit, and not just for the Opie bashing (anyone with ears could have come up with the radio-hole analogy). And that 4 minute video had more entertainment going on than O&J had in the last week.


Notice how strongly Cumia denied and contradicted that characterization.

I must have watched the wrong video.

You don't need name recognition to call out Opie as exactly what he is.


Agree this dude is awesome