Joe DeRosa has his new twitter account and he already messed up the capitalization

21  2015-02-27 by [deleted]



The best part about that phrase is that at least 19 people don't post it in any one of Opie's social media feed posts, thinking they're either funny. clever, or the first one to think of it.

He's handling this very poorly. It's even worse now because if he has an epiphany and legitimately decides that Ant wasn't some insensitive racist, people will think he's doing it for self-preservation purposes exclusively.

And it's not exactly difficult to deny the things being said about him. Deleting sort of legitimizes the obvious nonsense being hurled at him from all angles. The fucking sidebar pic is of him at a Klan rally, for God's sake. Just say you got lost in the woods, saw the campfire, and the smile was ironic.

I think it's a really subtle parody account.

Me too, "down with joe derosa" can be taken two ways. The hip/urban way like yeah guys I'm down with that derosa cat. And the angry mob chanting way: "Down with Derosa, Down with Derosa".

What say you reddit?

I say it's the name of his podcast so...

The title, lets people know whats going on. His podcast is actually a PSA, about dealing with life while you have down syndrom. A podcast for people with down syndrome, done by people with down syndrome.

That joke wasn't funny the first time, still isn't.

Ew he copied Ant's "exiled" shit in his bio. What a fucking child.

I notice hes got no tagged photos yet. Anyone got some photos to help the poor guy out? Gentlemen?

I read his bio and literally said "YUCK" out loud. He really is a child.

It's very Shia Labeouf of him.

not legit

I don't think its really him

Rodents of unusual size? I don't believe they actually exist.


True love...SAVED her! In the fire swamp!

Anybody want a peanut?

Oh, you mean THIS gatekey.

How do you know it's him that started this account?

Why would you start a new twitter now. He is going to only be followed by people berating him.

Slowly his world is crumbling.

How much respect (and fans) has he lost because he acted like a baby in his tweets, then went on to delete his twitter?

27 followers?! At least his new twitter is reflective of his actual popularity.

Are we sure this isn't one of us just making a fake account?

That's not him. His podcast comes out on Mondays, except this week's which was delayed to Wednesday. It's with Artie and it's not bad... There's no mention of the situation, but Artie has a fitting out-of-context line where he's describing some old movie and tells Joe something like, "The guy who's offended by racism-HE'S the nerd."

I can't stand Artie anymore, honestly. I was listening to him on Rogan's show last night and just wanted to drive off a cliff. He's the epitome of the "me me me" guy Jimmy always bitches about. He's depressed, he's miserable, he sounds like a small horse is standing on his chest when he talks. All he talks about is fucking sports.

Im so tired of everybody feeling sorry for this self destructive stooge. Had it with that guy. More like FARTY Lange.

I think because Rogan's so into fitness and self improvement, that's unfortunately the angle that podcast took. Also maybe Artie was self conscious about being on camera, so he wasn't his best. But the podcast with DeRosa lets both of them shine. It's just two guys who are knowledgeable about old TV and movies shooting the shit, nothing more. It's what they're supposed to be.

Interesting. One of the reasons I always liked Joe D is we were practically in lock-step of the movies we loved, down to the most random lines & everything. Even more obscure movies. That sounds like a bit more fun than Rogan's, even though I love JRE. (Generally)

hashtag myfirsttweet. Yuck.

Back in business, boys.

Can we all take a second to realize how we are(not me I did nothing) legitimately affecting his livelihood. All the comic/business contacts he's had previously which are important in show business. He's got to either ask them to follow again, like the snail he is or hope they follow.

I wonder if Troy Quan is still riled up about his problem with Derosa.

Atleast saying joederosacomic is better than joederosacomedy cuz comic doesn't gaurentee comedy (which he has none). However I think a better name would be "JoeDerosaClown"

or JoeDerosaBuffoon


Joe mentioned having a fatty liver due to excess alcohol consumption. I wonder what his levels are right about now.

If he had any self confidence as a man and comedian he would have retained his old twitter and not given a shit about the negative comments. Its a part of social media and being a public figure as an entertainer.

All right why would he do this? He does realize that the O&A pests will be the first ones to follow him right? He also realizes that this is damaging to him. Boy he gets dumber by the day.

Or he had a massive mental collapse.

I hope he still has Kindler's dick.

We gotta close this fucker down again, people. Back to work!

I myself just hate tweeted this butt-hurt baby boy.


Heh, Joe "Fan".

The lowercase R gives it away as fake.

I'll still be watching this account. Hoping for hilarity.

I loved Ron Bennington's shot at him today.

"Exiled radio gue-wait a minute"

I assumed this account was a fake until I saw his old account is gone. What a strange move.

It's the strange move. Joseph was always stranger.

It just makes no sense. Why immediately start a new one? Is he just a weirdo? Is he losing his mind?

I guess all his actions have been weird & crazy though. Repeatedly starting with Ant (Ant never started anything, joe initiated everything everytime), repeatedly saying he doesn't care, saying it doesn't bother him. He's just so weird!

I'm amazed in like looking at a car crash kind of way what this place did to Derosa wow hahaha. You really should not fuck with o and a fans

"YOU! You can run! but you can't hide!!"


It's Edgar.


"Just setting up twitter. My first tweet." Yuck. This can't be real

He gave up all his followers for what?

He wants a higher concentration of hatred.

And turned it DOWN for what?

Legit LOL

"FER WHAT?!!" Imgur