Patrice fought authority but gave Opie a pass. Why?

5  2015-02-27 by SkippinTurtles

Ant. He knew Ant was special and worked with him for free just to hang with him.


Opie isn't authority. He's some asshole. You sigh and move on, or you reframe whatever stupid shit he said and pretend it was something worth responding to, and you respond to that. All the "alpha" type comics who used to come on did it whenever Opie was really fucking things up.

Patrice and Louis had a thing where if Opie decided it was time for them to talk to just him, they'd make some intelligent, rare observations that Opie would "have to think about." They'd just blank him out, like what happens when you start very seriously reciting Nietzsche to your dog. Next time you're reliving the good ol' days, listen for it when Opie tries to dad-bond with Louis or make real-life friends with Patrice. It's not funny, but it is.

Wow that's pretty interesting. Do you happen to have an example of this?

Opie was careful to never reveal his true character - so he relied on the dynamic of group interaction and presented the best and most neatly polished version of himself. He was always too afraid to be with Patrice intimately, Patrice went to Ant's house parties and was of course close with Jim.

Opie's an expert at fitting into a group dynamic with that perfect amount of caution to not reveal the warts and faults and flaws and tendencies and pathologies that is Oqie.

I always thought Patrice liked Opie on some level but he just seemed to like Ant more. I think Patrice never clicked with Opie on the same level because Opie is a phony. Opie's lies even if they were more casual a few years back still seemed to be caught by Patrice. While Ant is pretty much a very honest guy and Patrice respected that.

Opie isn't really authority, he was a part of the show not an extension of management. Opie is just a phony radio guy who sourrounded himself with good talent and produced a good show for a few years.

I also think no one involved in the show up until recently really hated Opie (Still not sure if they do, although if some of the behind the scenes stuff is true that might have changed). Opie was always that friend no one likes but isn't a bad person. I think that's how the comics looked at him, but with not a lot of hate.

Spot on!

If one goes back and listens to episodes where Patrice was on, Opie clearly liked him and vice versa, but there was always a dynamic Patrice (and anyone) had with Anthony that Opie just did not have with them. And I definitely think it comes from being up front, honest, and humble; Ant was all of those things, and Opie is and was none of them. Patrice kept Opie in line on that front, kept Ant in line on every ideological front, and kept the whole group honest (comedically) by making them better comics.

Everything's gone down the fucking tubes since Patrice died.

Eh, he got him pretty good a few times and Opie is on record being hurt that Patrice liked Ant more than he liked him.

"That should have been us."

This place came up with a good analogy: Opie was a rich kid who always had the best toys: Best basketball hoop, best video games, best backyard to play football in, big basement with a great pool table in it, even a fucking jacuzzi and swimming pool. You hated the rich little prick but you just knew you had to tolerate his monkey ass to get access to the stuff that actually mattered.

Because he knew Opie had no real authority all his "clout" around the sirius building is just a delusion.

As anthony sits, fired, in a basement.

Sometimes I thikn just because we hate Opie so much we disregard some of the actual shit. I think Opie has a tad more "clout" around there then we might realize.

The great beast that was Opie and Anthony had it's head severed off pretty darn quick and easy. Opie let it happen.

I think they would have fired Anthony regardless of anything Opie said or did, but I do believe that Opie did not try one bit to save Anthony and that he was secretly thrilled that he could finally go do his own show.

Because he lived the hang there. He tolerated Opie because he had fun there with his friends

I miss Patrice.

Opie didn't represent authority. Maybe its because oh idk they became friends and Opie let him come in and promote his gigs whenever.

"If I would have know that would have shut you up I would have done it yeeahs ago!!!!" ALLLRIIIIIIIIGHT!! You repeating fuck!!!

rip patricky :(

Patrice was "righteous" but also fiercely loyal.

Patrice also needed to plug his dates. The bane of every comic.

he liked opie, all of the comedians do. opie is friends with most of them outside of the show. anthony was and is a long island shut-in. he's starting to come out now that he has to promote his show.

you guys need to stop putting thoughts and feelings into other people heads, especially when their actions don't line up with them. its weird.