i just don't get the derosa hate

0  2015-02-27 by voooooo

Anyone that thinks Ant has a healthy interest in race issues is completely delusional.

For long-time listeners of O&A it became pretty evident that this obsession with all things race related had escalated to the point where it was no longer funny, but just uncomfortable and sad.

His observations early on could be justified as a benevolent attack on PC culture, but once it became clear that all his arguments were framed by a confirmation bias he sought to flaunt at every possible turn, it was just impossible to take him seriously.

So...the Times Square incident undeniably brought Ant's devolution into a race ranting loon to the fore, and that inadvertently lost him friends from the show.

Can we not appreciate that's Ants behavior has contributed massively to this situation?

Lets face it, Joe Derosa isn't the only one that has condemned Ant, (albeit most have done it silently). I can't deny what Joe did on the JRE Podcast was a bitch move. However, Ant has clearly not reached out, or replied to the people he expects loyalty from. Kind of a bitch move on his part no?..

Instead it seems he's content with hiding behind the legion of twitter/reddit sycophants that will do anything to win his approval (that's essentially what's fueling this attack on Derosa) to justify his actions. That's great and all, but it hardly offers much opportunity for self-critique, and that's sadly lacking in Ant ( He's never admitted to being wrong ever!)

He should just stop bitching, pick up the phone, meet Derosa and Burr face to face, and get this shit over and done with.


Everyone hates DeRosa because at the slightest bit of controversy he condemned Ant publicly as a means to distance himself from behavior he himself has engaged in. If you chalk up the backlash that followed entirely to blind devotion to Ant as the reason this is happening you are clearly a simpleton.

Oh, cos hatred for a stranger and blind devotion aren't synonymous

What are you talking about stranger you idiot. Most people who are fans of the O&A show are well aware of who Joe DeRosa is and would hardly characterize him as a stranger.

Okay, so please justify attacking someone's social media with such ferocity when you don't even know the two individuals personally? Pretty ghey eh?

Because we can. That's why. We don't have to justify shit to you.

I'd say the audience do know the individuals personally. Having listened to countless hours of audio, much of their lives and thoughts have been divulged. If you are saying people should not express their opinion of someone because they haven't met them in person before you would unravel the majority of the comedy industry. What is actually "pretty ghey" is coming to an online forum and broadcasting your uninformed thoughts like you are some kind of authority on the matter. Your page long rant of stupidity was merely an ego stroking exercise for yourself. Better luck next time moron.

looks like I touched a nerve.

Because I addressed your rambling grandiosity with nothing you have an adequate counterargument for. Looks like you failed at trying to look smarter than everyone. Better luck next time.

An adequate counter argument? you're willing to fight the personal battles of people that not only don't know who you are, but also don't give a single shit about you. If you can somehow justify that sad reality, then be my guest.

Give it up loser you lost. Now you're just embarrassing yourself. Go speech write your down-syndrome elsewhere.

None of these punch lines are landing, no matter how good they sound in your head.

Poor kid. Still mad your smug speech got denied making you look like a self important faggot.

"got denied making"? learn to speak english dude.

I also love how you avoided answering why you feel the need to fight Ant's personal beefs...

You snipped out the middle of a sentence moron learn to read. And I don't need to answer anything you ask you are clearly a self important fag with your constant replies and bloated speech posts.

Resorting to calling me a fag every five minutes, just goes to show what an irrational douche you are. You are obviously incapable of formulating any sort of developed argument, but hey, what was I to expect from someone that rabidly supports Anthony Cumia.

Looks like I touched a nerve.

As expected, you've got nothing. Give your friend Ant a call, seeing as your such close friends.

What do you mean as expected. I gave you a legit response earlier and all you could reply with is some weak shit about hitting a nerve. You're a parody of yourself at this point you moron.

Your legit response earlier was along the lines of "because i've listened to them speak for hours through my speakers I feel like we've developed a really strong friendship...I value Ant, and I assume Ant values me in the same way"...yuck.

Hardly the strongest of arguments.

It's a stronger argument than "you can't have an opinion on someone because you haven't met them in person" stupid.

there is a huge difference between just having an opinion, and spending countless hours trying to destroy the career of someone because of that opinion. If you can't recognize that fact, then you are way too far down the rabbit hole to be rescued.

This is a personal beef between Ant and Joe, why can't you just leave it at that. Can't poor Ant handle himself?

If it was a personal beef between And and Joe it wouldn't have broadcast across social media and podcasts. It also wouldn't have been perpetuated by Joe directly antagonizing people who called him out on his piece of shit behavior on twitter. All your arguments have fallen flat on their face you failure.

Oh, I must be wrong then. I completely see why you must be emotionally invested in this shit.

Fight your own battles creep.

Remember, as far as Ant goes, you don't even fucking exist. So stop pretending you do.

I have always thought Joe Derosa was an untalented asshole. So it was my "battle" before his feud with Ant started. It's got nothing to do with Ant but you just seem to be pushing your own feelings of Anthony Cumia rejection onto me. I don't really care about his opinion one way or the other. But by all means you are proving yourself to be quite the Ameritard. I guess if you argue the loudest and the longest you must be the person on the right side of the argument right?

Your "battle"....how can you not see the douchiness of that statement. If you don't like Joe DeRosa, just don't go to his gigs or buy his shit. Simple.

Why can't you just leave it at that?

Yeah you are a douche for insisting it's a "battle" because I never characterized it as such, it's obviously just an opinion. And the person telling others to "Leave it alone" Opie style because it upsets them. I'm not the one proactively going around posting to places that clearly don't give a shit about Joe DeRosa and condescendingly telling people to leave him alone like that faggy dude in the leave britney alone video. The fact you have failed to see the hypocrisy of your whole argument just compounds how much of a joke you are for being a self righteous dummy that no one could possibly take seriously.

I know i'm winning the argument every time you resort to calling me a faggot. You're real quick to get your knickers in a twist, when you see your argument collapsing before your eyes. Pretty funny stuff.

Keep on fighting your "battle" ....hahaha

I know i'm winning the argument


You are a mental pygmy who exhausted all their intellectual capacity on his original post and has nothing left to formulate a real argument once people start poking holes in your poorly written and thought out speech. I'm done with you, as all you managed to do is talk yourself around in circles and throw limp wristed one liners like a troll kid. I just feel bad for you and your low self esteem.

Just took a peek at your profile....oooof. Looks like you're no stranger to being a hateful online douche. I'm guessing your childhood stunk.

Once again you just resort to name calling. You do sound like a well-adjusted human being though.

I hope you're not this angry in real life.

I wish you all the best with your battle. You big internet tough guy.

If you read my post, you would see I was in no way defending Joe Derosa.

Unlike you, I'm not going to white knight radio personalities over the internet. Show some god damn self respect.


"None of these punch lines are landing"


"Lets face it, Joe Derosa isn't the only one that has condemned Ant, (albeit most have done it silently). However, Ant has clearly not reached out, or replied to the people he expects loyalty from. Kind of a bitch move on his part no?.."

Oh no, people who are willing to suck dick for their careers.

Later, faggots!

or are fed up with ant's complete lack of self awareness

Can we not appreciate that's Ants behavior has contributed massively to this situation?

I agree with this - yes it has. I agree with a lot of your other points as well. There's some legitimacy to the claim that Ant was assaulted and should be excused somewhat for reacting the way he did. But not much. Ant acted like a retard that night. And I cringe any time I hear someone explain that Ant had a gun on him and didn't draw it at the time as if that's some saintly act.

I don't have any problem with DeRosa disagreeing with what Ant did or said. It's 100% in the way that DeRosa handled it. What specifically made me turn on him was the fact that most of his bad feelings towards Ant that came out on JRE seemed very obviously to have stemmed from the fact that Ant didn't defend him on twitter. The majority of his feelings seemed (to me) to very obviously come from not what Ant said, but from the fact that Joe felt sleighted because Ant, who was trying to figure out how he was going to rebuild his career after his firing, did not pay enough attention to him on twitter. And he completely took Ant's text the wrong way.

But whatever, people fuck up. I understand that. But ever since his appearance on JRE, from his call to TACS, his twitter comments, and appearances on other podcasts, he has 100% played the victim in this. To be clear - I know he gets a lot of hate, and certainly a disproportionate amount (though that's mostly been recent) - which in some ways makes him a victim. But that's life, that's how the internet is going to behave. Man the fuck up.

What really made me decide he was beyond forgiveness is the fact that everything that followed JRE, and that TACS call especially, just sounded like they came from a man who had no interest in having an honest dialogue, settling things with Ant, or even just sticking by his point of view. They came entirely from a man who had his mind set completely on showcasing the fact that he thinks he's a victim and that he's been wronged. He called TACS as an attempt to save his own ass - to clear his name. He reacted to everything Ant said by defending himself from the littlest points without ever addressing any real issues that Ant would've likely been happy to talk about.

There's plenty more to it than that, but I've talked long enough. The fact that Joe is an unfunny fuck does not help his case. The fact that Ant is hilarious and has given us countless hours of entertainment helps his case a lot. there's no denying that. And I think a lot of the reactions on here are insanely disproportionate. But I also find a lot of it absolutely hilarious. But you have to remember - this place is hateful as fuck. This is the same sub that somehow managed to find a way to trash a benefit that friends of Patrice voluntarily put on for him with very little resistance.

Fuck you, DeRosa.

Derosa is spineless and so is ant.

Eat shit, Jew.

I'm not seeking approval of Ant. To me he's just a pretty funny dude consistently. In regards to race he doesn't go nearly far enough. Fact is as European Americans some of us have had enough.

what about them european african americans though

If they are pro european then they are fine with me.

Joe Derosa betrayed Anthony Cumia, sir. There is way too much evidence to defend anthony. Joe needs to say a huge comment to fix this. I wish him good luck. Benjamin72

Like I said, I'm not defending Joe, I just think Ant shouldn't be immune from criticism either

Ant isn't immune from criticism. I've seen a lot of people voice their dislikes about him, or the show.

For now Joe is punching bag #2. He's shaped like one.

but criticism for this situation regarding disloyal friends of the show is completely absent. Shouldn't he reach and talk to these guys face to face, instead of using his deranged fans as a mouth piece?

Like I said, I'm not defending Joe, I just think Ant shouldn't be immune from criticism either

None of these punch lines are landing, no matter how good they sound in your head.

"None of these punch lines are landing"
