Where do people get the idea that Jim has to bite his tongue?He doesn't.He's co-host

10  2015-02-26 by JoeyDeathcamp

He's scared to but that's no reason to feel sorry for him.He is also half the show so half the responsibilities should be on him to make it funny and entertaining.Why doesn't he do show prep?

No one made him re-sign.Maybe he should have left when our old friend Anthony did.


I'm with you. I'd love to hear why Jim isn't stepping up. The only reasonable excuses would be him being a full co-host by title only and just flat out not giving a shit.

Larry King (to Jim): Why isn't your name on the wall?

internal monologue Why would I handcuff myself to the shitwagon Larry?

I agree. As long as he bites his tongue he either has no regrets so far or he's one hell of a coward if he's that afraid of some awkward radio.

Nah, he probably has to not do prep work. What do I know, though?

he didnt ask to not do show prep, he was placed in a very difficult situation you see


Even though the show is billed Opie and Jim, Jim knows that he's replaceable in Opie's eyes. He saw how easy it was for Opie to move on from Ant after 20 years and with Jim being there for 15 now he's been there to see Opie threaten to leave and do his own thing a million times. If Opie can move on without Anthony with no hesitation, it'd be even easier for him to leave Jim behind.

Jim knows that he is the only comedic element the show has plus every guest is a friend of Jims.I don't see them coming into plug if Opie through Jimmy out.Jim is not replaceable and can Opie throw Jim out?I don't think he could without reason and disagreeing with Opie is never going to get him out a job.He isn't some intern.

And to reply to your comment he saw how easy it was for him to move on without Ant.That shouldn't matter.Despite what some might think Sirius fired Ant not Opie.Of course he is going to make it seem like he can do the show without Ant.It doesn't make him someone you should fear to call out.

GreggShells. Step on them, and you will hear a complete over reaction on the air, and god knows what off the air.

Opie is a sniveling little hyper sensitive baby, I can only imagine what it is like dealing with him off air. There are plenty of instances of him being a whiny little snot on air.....one need only find the Jimmy-Opie argument or the grape argument.

For your listening pleasure:



Edit: Neither of those fucking links work for me, they do not play. Either my computer sucks ass or I fucked it up linking them. If so, just search "Opie Anthony grape fight" and "Opie anthony Jim opie fight".

They are scared of Opie fucking everything up. He is like the kid with the basketball and no one wants to challenge him on a foul call because he will take his ball and go home. So everyone walks greggshells so the game can keep going. We've all known people like this. Judging by the way EVERYONE (guests included) acts toward Opie on the show I can tell that the Opester really knows how to leverage the fact that it's his ball and he'll take it away if someone hurts his feelings.

Opie is enraging in these clips. Now I'm angry. This isn't even fun anymore.

Bullshit.Since Jan the guests have been on Opie's case and every show Sam will have a dig at Opie.The fans have turned.He has nowhere to go.He won't quit.Yeah right Opies gona get his feelings hurt and rip his name off the wall.He stayed when his co-partner got axed.Him and management love the new show.His threatening baby boy shit was all an act.Remember?

Upvoted (I almost wrote "uptoved"; DUH!). What a shame. The Opie of 2004-08 would bite this guy's ear off. Even if he had some douchey moments, do you honestly think he would burry his head up management's ass after they unjustly fired his partner like Gregshells is doing? Not only that, but even ruin the O&A brand that was build for the past two decades? If Opie even caught a glimpse of how godawful he would be in 2014-15, he would blow his brains out. Or better yet, maybe if he didn't re-sign for two more years, us Reddit fags would've been doing the opposite what we're doing now.

How could Ronnie B. even look at Gregshells?

I don't think Opie has made this huge transition, he's the same guy. Did you listen to the clips? You can hear him being overly sensitive, making up stories, and threatening to take his ball and leave. When everyone goes their separate ways the stories will come out about how everyone walked eggshells around Opie because they didn't want the entire show to get dragged down because of a tantrum.

Has he threatened to leave since October?No.I don't know why you have this notion that everyone's gonna come out and bash Opie.He maybe a liar(or to him 'pumpin up stories').But he did and does provide his staff radio jobs.Look how many have joined his channel.

So they are scared of Opie shouting at them.Ronnie wouldn't play for this shit

i love how everyone here knows how other people think and feel, even though their actions don't line up with it.

It's the same reason Ant bit his tongue for years despite being more than a full co-host. People generally try to keep things cordial with their coworkers, because no one likes to go to work every day with people who despise them.

First clip. Norton was all hurt that one of the comedians who he (probably) lobbied to get on the show wasn't given the proper respect. He was pretty much put in his place by Opie, I thought. Second clip. Wow. One gets the impression Opie would take the first opportunity to kill off Ant. I'll go further and say that the preparatary work was already made with Sirius management so when there was opening.... BANG.