The real reason why 2/25/15 was the best show yet.

14  2015-02-26 by shumbe

We got to make believe that Opie was dead! Jim never broke character, he's a sweet boy.


If Jim breaks character he'll revert back to the high voiced worm telling people that he and Sinead OConnor look like testicles before breaking down Ring Around the Rosy and talking in pseudo British accents.


God that's so offensive. Clear cut case of Anglophobia if ever I saw it.

Listening to the show now.

Stunned how good it is. Sorta feels like an older show

Shirad is really not that funny :-(

I'm not used to hearing Jim talk so much, usually he just hangs back and does the 'sniper' thing where he chimes in on what everyone else is saying

Sherrod is hilarious. I don't agree with his views on shit, but listen to the race wars "Gland Sandwich". He was on fire, and I think he holds his own against the quick-minded like Yimmy, Ant, Colin, and Vos (sad but true). I'm a HUGE Kurt Metzger fan too, which makes it one of my favorite podcasts.

Can't wait until they both go on TACS